Chapter 93: What Now Part 2

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POV: Kelly Casey-Severide-Herrmann

Once we got to the Boat dock, Andy and I ran in and saw Mia.

Mia, where is she? Andy and I asked at the same time

Uncle K and A, Im up here. said Kia

We will get you down. said Uncle Mouch

Hey Kelly, once you get Kia down can you help me with some of the boats? asked Kev

Kelly and I will help once we get your daughter down. said Matt

Im her Uncle, Jim is Overseas. That is her Dad. said Kev

Oh sorry, Kelly just said that Mias husband works here. said Drew

He does he is just Overseas, but he will be back for his Adopted-Step Daughters and Step-Daughters birthday. The funny thing is he just calls them his daughters, I call them my nieces and our parents call them their Adopted-Step and Step Granddaughters. said Kev

As Kev was telling Matt and Drew about all that Andy and I claimed to boat and worked on getting Kia down. Andy then gave me a look and I knew what he meant.

He didnt let me fall, he caught me. I said

I will always catch you, Sev. yelled Matt

I would do the same for you, Case. I said and Andy and I got Kia out. We then got her down and Mia gave Kia her Inhaler and us hugs.

After we got Kia down and she was okay, Papa, Uncle Mouch, Andy and Drew left. Matt and I got to work on the boats until 12:00 am and went home. Once we got home Drew and Andy left with their boys on their backs and Matt and I went to bed.

Once we are asleep for a few minutes I get a call.

Kelly Casey-Severide. I said

Hello, this is Nurse Kate and I have Leslie Shay, Clarice Carthage, Katie Nolan, Drake Drone and Damian Diamond at Med, they were in a car crash. said Kate

Why are you calling me? I asked and I turned my Speaker on

Well you are listed as Leslie Shays emergency contact and you are listed as Madison, Mason, Addison, Aiden, Abigail and Alexander Carthage-Diamond-Drone-Nolan-Shay Dad. said Kate and I got up so fast with Matt right behind me.

Can you give us a minute to get ready. I have to tell one of my children that she is watching her niece, nephew and siblings. My Husband and I will be there soon. I said

Okay, oh and one thing, we wont be giving the children back to their parents. We will tell you more when you get here Mr. Casey-Severide. said Kate and Matt came back with a coffee.

Okay I will see you soon. I said and took the coffee

Daddy, Kyl is crying. said Lilly to Matt and he went to get Kyle

Lilly, can you wake Kidia and Jake up? I asked and they came into mine and Matts room.

Papi, go Papi Case told us. We got them, but I think Papi Case is taking Baby Chris, Tris and Kyl because they are wanting you two. said Kidia and I tossed a hoodie on.

Thank you Baby, I love you and will try and be back as soon as I can. I said as I kissed Kidias Jakes and Lillys head. I then walked to Matt with his hoodie in my arms, with our phones and keys. I then take Kyle and we go out to Matts truck. Once we get our boys in I drive the truck to Med. Once we get there I get Kyle and Tristan, while Matt gets Baby Chris.

Hi, Im looking for Nurse Kate. I said

Mr. Casey-Severide, over here. said someone

Hi, can you tell us where Nurse Kate is? I asked

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