Chapter 71: Kididayln's Quinceanera and They are Back Part 2

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Two months Later

Rape and Abuse Start again

POV: Katie Nolan

Hey Dear, I made it. I said as I kissed my Girlfriend Leslie

Hey, we got him and Clarice and I are pregnant. said Lisslie and I kissed her lips.

Babe, that is amazing, I wish I could get pregnant. We tried it with my Husband Damain and his Boyfriend Drake, but it didnt work. I said and I felt Clarice pull me into her and we walked downstairs and I saw my brother with my Husband and Boyfriend. I got really turned me on as they fucked my brother. I then turned to my girlfriends and asked them something.

Guys, I just got really turned on by my Husband and Boyfriend fucking my brother. Get me ready I want to see if I can get pregnant. I said and they took off my clothes and got me ready.

Hey Babe and Dear, May I get fucked by him? I asked

Yes, Dear come on and lets get a Baby in you just like my Wife and Girlfriend. said Drake as he put his fingers and my ass and saw I was ready to go. So he just put my ass on Severides dick and he started to kiss my neck while my Husband went to put his dick in Severides ass.

Wow, Baby you are so good. You may just get me pregnant. I said

Can, I please just have some food or water. I dont feel good. said Severide

No, the only way you will get food and water is if our Girlfriend and Wife gets pregnant. said Lisslie, Clarice, Damian and Drake all at the sametime and I felt Severide come into me.

Please, I havent eaten in two months. said Severide and I pushed his already bruised chest.

Shut it Baby Doll and get me pregnant or I will kill your Little Family. I said

I will fuck you and what every you want but please leave them out of this. said Severide

We will Baby Doll, just keep letting us fuck you until my Wife gets Pregant. said Damian as he kissed my lips and then start to suck on my Breast and I Moaned so loud as I kissed Severides neck and felt Clarices hands on my ass as she moved me off Severides dick and started to suck on it while Damain had his dick in Leslie still sucking my Breast and Drake was fucking Severide, while kissing his ear and Clarice let out a Moan.

After Clarice Moaned because Kelly came into her mouth he passed out.

I love you too Trist, just please give me time to tell you and dont force me. said Severide in his sleep. I then got mad and took my shoes which are heils and stabbed his chest and he shot up.

We didnt tell you to sleep. I said as I took his Dick in my mouth and bit down hard. Severide didnt make a sound so I got out my knife and stabbed his stomach. I then see the blood coming out and I go to kiss him going all the way down to where I stabbed him and licked up his blood.

Guys, he tastes so good, can we please keep him? I asked

Once we find out you are pregnant Honey and we will go from there. said Drake as he picked me up and sat on Severides lap kissing my lips.

Oh My God you are so good at making me hard, Love. I said as I kissed Severide

That is my job Honey, want another go with our Baby? said and asked Drake

Does God extinct? I asked and Drake put me on Severides dick and he picked Severide up and sat him on his dick and fucked Severide in his ass.

Three Months Later

POV: Drake

Hey Honey, what to go fuck our Baby? I asked

Yes, lets go get the others first. said Katie and we got the others. Once we did Katie was taking just as long as my Wifes and Boyfriends girlfriend.

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