Chapter 138: Disney World Part 2

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POV: Sophie Casey-Severide-Herrmann

Once we get to Friolda, Dad has Kyle in his arms and Papa Sev has their backpacks and suitcases. We get our other things from baggage and we get on the van that Papa Sev got.

Jake, can you get mine or Kellys phone out. Also Darren, can you get the things Kelly has. Thank you guys. said Dad as they did what he told them to do.

Hey Matt, what is wrong? asked Nonno

Kelly wants to talk to you. said Dad

Hey Baby, is everything okay? asked Nonno

What were some of the ways Migraines stopped? asked Papa Sev

Your medicine and apple juice. said Nonno and we got in the car.

That didnt work. said Papa Sev

My Nonno would let you and Andy lay on his bed as he moved his fingers in your hair. You end up with really curly hair one time. said Nonno

Babe, we can try that if you want. said Dad

It may not work Matt, Nonno was the only one. Your Dad tried it once and Kell had a panic attack. Luke, leave your brother alone, Andy has a headache. If you wake him up you get to clean up the barf in the kitchen. said Nonno

Is he okay Sir. asked our Driver

If that guy is being a bitch Im going to kill him.-signed Nonno

Im not going to do that. My oldest gets Migraines a lot. said our Diver

Papa, Matt is up front. said Papa Sev

Sorry, I'm not used to drivers being nice to Sevy. Lee Henry, go clean up the barf. Annabelle, can you try to get Dary back to sleep? Drew and their boys will be back soon. said Nonno

Im the same way, there is some chocolate in the center console. said the driver

Can you get me some, Case? asked Papa Sev

Are we going to see Renie? asked Kyle

Tomorrow Baby, we are going to get settled first. We need to let Aunt Keria get some rest. said Papa Sev as Dad gave some chocolate.

Fuck Sevy Sev, I got to go Your brother isnt feeling well. I love you Angel. said Nonno

Tell Andy And, there is chocolate in my room. Anna-Bandana knows the code. said Papa Sev

I got it for him Sevy. said Aunt Annabelle

Thanks Sis. Love you Papa Angel. said Papa Sev as he hung up.

Once we got to the hotel we got out and Dad, Uncle Darren, and Uncle Blake got us checked in.

Okay, so we have somewhat connecting rooms. Kidia, Billy, Sophie, Emma, Zayne, Olivia and Stormie your rooms are connected to your siblings. Also Niffy, Tristan, Kyle, Noah, Luna, Baby Chris, Baby Hs, Baby Ls, the 6 and the 4 Ks are in the connecting rooms to mine and Kellys. Keria, Darren, Jerry, Blake, Emmy, Evs and Amara Harmony are in the same room. Keria has the connecting room. said Dad as we got our things and headed up.

Niffy, Kyle, Baby Hs, Baby Ls, Hawaiian Ks, Big K, Middle K, Tristan, Baby Chris, The 8, Sophie, Isabelle, Ollie and Emma you are coming up with us. said Papa Sev as we got in the elevator and the others had our big things.

Everyone, come to mine and Kellys room first. It is the biggest one. said Dad

Okay. said everyone.

You good Dad? asked Hayden

Just tried, Baby. said Papa Sev

Kell, dont focus on the Elevator. Focus on me. said Dad as he pulled Papa Sev into a kiss. We then stopped and two people got on.

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