Part 10❣️

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Anaya POV:

At the walima reception:
Sikandar is so bored he has been bugging me to go home.

"Can't we go home" Sikandar whined
"We got here 10 minutes ago"
"I don't want to share you"
"Just shut up and smile people are watching"

It's time for Photoshoot. The photographer is making us do weird poses. He asked me to sit on Sikandar lap. I refused immediately.

"Begum (wife) sit na"
"Besharam" He starting laughing.

I have meet countless guest. All of my family is here. Sikandar invited just few friends of his. I asked why didn't he invite more he said they are too dangerous for family event or whatever that means.

Thank god it's time to go home. My parents invited us for tea but i don't want to torture Sikandar anymore.

At home Sikandar passed out. He didn't even bother to change his clothes.  How did this human became my life? When did my hate turned into love? I don't even think about Hamza anymore. I just pray he finds happiness because i have found my happiness.

I was watching tv when Sikandar asked me to come with him. I asked where are we going. He asked me to be patient.

We are in a graveyard. I looked at Sikandar questionably.
"Are you planning to kill me and bury me here?"
"Princess i am not planning to get rid of you anytime soon"

He held my hand and guided me. We stopped Infront of a grave.
"Princess meet my parents"
He sat down and continued.

"They were killed when i was 12 i joined the gang to avenge them. I joined the gang because of my parents. Eventually i started loving it here. I never felt the need to have a life partner. My life was just my work until you"

I started crying i sat down and hugged him.
"You don't have to explain anything "
"Princess i do i am leaving my gang I don't want to put you in any danger"

We both sat down and prayed for his parents. He told me how kind his mother was. I wish i could meet them. I can see how much he miss them.

We watched sunset together. I didn't know he was a romantic at heart. I still can't believe he left his work. I still not sure what he did or used to do but still he did it for me.

2 years later:

"Sikandar!!! I will throw your son in the dustbin"
He came running holding our daughter.
"Please don't throw him. Give him to me"
"I'm so tired"
"I know princess but you are so strong. You gave me a family. I owe my whole life to you"
He kissed my head.
"Sleep i will take care of them"

After such a long time, i slept. It's worrying why is the house so quiet. I immediately got up to check. I saw my husband sleeping in the crib with kids. It's so cute. I took a pic.

I heard Azan. I did wuzu and went to pray.
"Thank God you gave me all this. I am so sorry for complaining. I thought you were punishing me. But you were giving me more than i could ever ask"

I got up and see Sikandar standing on the door. He came and hugged him.
"Kids are sleep"
He winked. He is such a shameless person.


                    The End

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