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Areeba's POV:
I heard a knock on my window first a thought it was a fragment of my imagination so i ignored it. I heard it again. I got up to check and it's Abubakar on a ladder. I unlocked the window and whispered.

"What the hell are you doing? You can get caught"
"I came to deliver your gifts" I let him in.
"Are you crazy? What if mama caught you?"
"But she didn't now come and give me a hug"

He came forward to hug me but he slipped and knocked off vase from my bedside table. Vase fell on the ground and shattered. I see lights opening outside. Shit Mama's awake. I can hear her footsteps too.
"Come on hide hide mama is coming" He hid behind the curtain but his feet were showing so got him out of there and made him get under the bed. Just as the door opened.
"Areeba are you ok? I heard a loud noise"
"Yeah mama i knocked off the vase in my sleep"

Suddenly her eyes fell on something. I followed her vision to see to she is looking at the bouquet and the album.
"What is that?" She said pointing.
"Mama you know it was valentine day so we friends gave each other flowers" She seems convinced with my explanation and she went out of the room after turning off my lights. I breathe out a sigh of relief. It was close.

"Can i come out now it's really dark in here" Came a voice from beneath the bed.
"Yes come out"
"Damn that was close" He said wiping his forehead.
"Don't ever pull this stunt ever again"
"Damn woman chill now give me a hug and i will go" i gave him a hug.
"Should i stay here? The bottom of the bed wasn't the bad" I nudged him laughing.

I sniffed the flowers. I don't even like Flowers that much but i have gotten them from Abubakar and that is what matters. I opened the photo album. In the middle there is a picture of both of us. In the picture i am smiling at the camera while Abubakar is smiling at me. I feel so happy. These sort of happiness scares me. I have to talk to Mama too. I can't hide it from her forever. I feel so guilty. I dozed off with abubakar's thought.

I am going to the library when a guy corned me. I try to get away but he held my wrist.
"You were throwing yourself in Abubakar's arm so what is the problem here"
"Leave me" I try to get my arm out of his grip but his hold on me is rock solid.
"I promise you baby i am miles better than him just give me a chance" Tears are streaming down my face. I try to scream but he covered my mouth with his palm.

Suddenly he is thrown off me. My vision cleared i see Abubakar punching the guy. Crowd is starting to gather. Everyone is recording on their phones. I called Abubakar but he isn't listening. I try to held his shoulder but i lost my balance i was going to fall when Abubakar held me.
"Please get me out of here"
"Sure baby calm down i am here noone is going to hurt you"

He took me to his car. Gave me water. His knuckles are all bloody.
"You are hurt"
"It's fine" I opened his dashboard to find an emergency kit. I signaled him to give me his hand which he did. I put ointment on his knuckles.
"Now you are good to go"
"I should be taking care of you"
"We both are suppose to take care of each other"
"I just want to go back and kill him for even thinking about putting his nasty hands on you" I put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. He took my hand and kissed my knuckles and put it on his forehead making my heart skip a beat.

In the end it's Him and IWhere stories live. Discover now