Part 2💫

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Amna's POV:

Why hasn't Ammar bhai picked me up from the college. I have been waiting for an hour. I called him but he didn't pick up. On the third try, he attended the call.

"Bhai where are you?"
"Amna I can't come I'm stuck in a very important meeting"
"Bhai how am i suppose to go home?"
"Just book a cab"
"I forgot to bring money"
"Oh you are so careless i always told you to put some emergency catch in your bag khair i will ask Ali to pick you up"

Ali came within 15 minutes. His office was atleast 30 minutes away from my house. How did he came so fast i asked him.

"I drove fast"
"What do you mean why it's not like I'm going to lose any opportunity to spend time with you"

He took me to the beach. We rode a camel. There was a restaurant on the beach. Even though Ali is allergic to seafood he took me there because he knows i love it. He watched me while i eat. I told him to stop staring at me but he didn't.

"You are crazy"
"Only for you"

We didn't realize how much time has gone up until i see my phone. There were 10 misscalls from my Mother. I panicked.

"What happened" Ali asked
"My mother is going to slaughter me we have been here for more than 3 hours"
"Don't worry i will handle it"
"Ali you know how my mother is"
"Just trust me"

We entered the house. My parents crowded us and started asking questions. Ali took all the blame saying it was his fault we got late. Due to noise Chachi came down.

She came to us and starting argue with my mother that Ali brought me home instead of thanking him my parents are scolding him.

My mother isn't the one to back down from a fight. They started arguing and in the end Chachi dragged Ali away holding him away.

My mother gave Ammar bhai and me an earful to stay away from Ali. I tried to reason with her that he brought me home but she didn't listen so i just gave up.

I don't know what's going to happen i know i have to talk to Ammar bhai soon. I'm counting on him to convince our parents. He is my only hope. Otherwise i have to leave Ali. Even this thought breaks me it's like someone pulled my heart out of my chest.

My birthday is coming up and Ali wants to spend the whole day with me and it's not possible in our house. So he came up with a plan. I will bunk my classes and he will take a day off his work.

He took me to an amusement park. I have always wanted to ride a boat but I'm have water phobia. Ali somehow convinced me and bought the tickets for boat. When it was time to get on the boat my legs started shivering. Ali held my hand and made me get on the boat.

I looked at the water and closed my eyes. Ali calmly held me and whispered soothing words. Finally i calmed my beating heart. I opened my eyes he made sure i was ready. This was the boat you have to paddle ourselves. We paddle through the lake although i haven't gotten over my fear of water i will always remain thankful to Ali for giving me this experience.

We went bowling next. He was letting me win on purpose. I told him to stop and he said he was and i was too good of a player. I know he is lying.

He won a teddy bear for me. I love it so much. We took several photos. It is the best day of my life. We paid special attention note to get late this time. After a discussion we planned that i will enter the house first and after 10 minutes Ali will.

I greeted my Mama. She saw teddy bear in my hand and asked about it. I lied my best friend gave it as a birthday gift. Thank god she didn't question me.

There was a rose on my side table with a note saying Happy Birthday. It brought a smile to my face i know it was from Ali. He has been doing it since he admitted his feelings for me.

Hope you like this chapter.
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Peace out✌️

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