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Wahab's POV:

A month has flown by. I have gone to the university every single day. Even on the days i was originally planning to skip and the reason is one and only Ammara. Every single day i go to see her and on weekends i spend my entire day on the construction site to catch a glimpse of her. I am falling for her hard and fast. Her smile, Her dimples and especially her voice is making me go mad. I wish i can stare at her all day. But whenever she calls me beta (kid) it makes my blood boil. I want her to stop treating at me like a kid. I am 23 for God's sake.

I heard Ammara's name and my ears instantly perked up. Some kids sitting in front of me are talking about her.
"Do you know that Mam Ammara is unmarried!" God has listened to my prayers. I want to jump with joy. I kind of guessed and prayed to she was single because i never saw anybody with her. But i had second thoughts. What if he lives in another city or something. But now all of my doubts are cleared. She is single and she is mine. She just doesn't know it yet. I am going to change it. Soon.

"I think Sir Ali is going to propose to Mam Ammara. He likes her i have seen it in his eyes" Some other kid said. Like hell he is going to. Over my dead body.

I am waiting in parking lot for the guy who dared to even think about proposing to my girl.

"Hey can you move away you are standing in front of my bike"
"First you move away from my girl" I said patting his chest.
"What are you talking about? Which girl?"
"Ammara i know you are planning to propose to her"
"Yes i am going to. I like her and as far as i know she is single and who are you to stop me"
"I can't stop you" i start laughing and punched him on the face. He thinks i can't stop him. What a loser!
"Next time i see you even breathing near Ammara i am going to beat you black and blue and i am going to make sure you won't be able to show your face to anyone in this city" i put my finger on his forehead i hope everything has gone to his thick skull. Because next time I won't use my mouth. He ran away on his bike like a little girl. Coward
I want to see Ammara so i went up to her.

"Can you explain this topic?" This is not even her subject but i went her because i know she won't turn me down. I was right she agreed and she spent the next 30 minutes explaining everything. I was half listening to what she was saying. I was more focused on her face. The way her expression changes when she wants to emphasize something. A hair kept on falling on her face irritating her. I have sudden urge to tuck it behind her ear. I act upon the impulse and did it. She seems taken aback by my gesture.

"Beta what are you doing?" Again this beta. If i ever kill myself it will be because of her calling me beta.
"I am sorry"
"Don't do this again" She seems so repulsed by my touch. After explaining the topic she ran away. I know i have made her uncomfortable. I should not have done that not yet at least. I see her moving away from me i want to follow her but i did not i know it will push her away.

I am at the construction site the base is nearly done and hopefully the building will be completed in 5 months. I asked dad to come and see it but he wants it to remain a surprise and he will see the final product. Ammara has not come yet. I still do not know where does she live exactly. I could have find it out on my own but i want her to tell me. I see Ammara coming my way. A smile makes it way on my face but it does not last long because i see her collapsing. She fell on the ground and hit her head on a stone on the ground. I ran towards panicking.

"Ammara Ammara what happened open your eyes" Shit she is not opening her eyes. Blood is pooling on the ground. I can not afford to wait for the ambulance. I held her up but her legs are wobbly i can not waste any more time she is losing a lot of blood. I picked her up bridal style and put her on the backseat of my car. I drove like crazy. Hospital is a 20 minutes drive from here. I reach there in 10 minutes. I must have broken countless traffic laws. A stretcher is brought. Hell no she is not going on thus i will drop her off myself.

Doctors have asked me to wait. I am praying to God after a long time. I remember the last time i prayed this much was for my mom. I asked GOD to save her but he did not so i stopped praying all together. I promised to myself that i will never pray again because it is useless he does not listen to us. He does whatever he wants. But seeing Ammara in this condition has made me remember God again. I am asking God again to save someone I love. After what felt like countless hours the doctor came out of the emergency room.
"Doctor what happened? Is she okay."
"She is doing well. She collapsed due to exhaustion."
"The injury on her head doctor there was so much blood."
"She hit on her on something but the injury is mainly external thank fully it did not hit a major artery. We have bandaged her you can take her home now."

I entered her room. A massive bandage is covering her whole head. It is making my blood boil. Why is she overworking herself so much. She needs to take rest.
"Come on i will take you home."
"No i will go by myself you have already done so much for me."
"Ammara come on."
"It is Miss Ammara for you and i repeat i am going on my own. Thank you for bringing me here."
She got up and left. What has happened to her. Why is she angry i am unable to understand.

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