Love Drunk? Or Just Drunk?

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*Avery's POV*


The sun streams through my window and I still can't believe what I saw last night. I knew Josh was ripped, but damn. That boy is just, yum.

I shake that thought out of my head as I drag myself out of bed and head to the bathroom. The trouble of living with many guys, is that you have to be careful of what you look like.

I cringe at my reflection and comb my hair, frustrated with the tangled mess of hair I have. Why could I not be blessed with the silky, blonde hair Emma has? My auburn hair looks like a bird's nest no matter how hard I may try. I pull my hair up into a ponytail using an elastic that took me for-freaking-ever to find.

Atleast now, my hair doesn't look that bad. I inspect my outfit, for the first time in my life. I roll my eyes, I have now become "That girl." The one that cares about what she looks like, what she wears, what her make up is like, how her hair is. Basically, I have become Emma. Great. I love my best friend, but goddamn, she cares way too much about what people think about her.

She wasn't always like that. But when she found out her dad was cheating on her mom, she got a little crazy our sophnore year. Hooking up with guys, going to parties, smoking, doing drugs. She hit rock bottom. Her parents stayed together just because they needed to make sure that didn't happen again. So they basically stayed together so Emma wouldn't become more of a train wreck.

I swipe open my phone and send a quick good morning text to my mom, who should already be back from her morning jog. I exit the bathroom and with one heavy sigh, I open the door to the hallway. Suddenly, the sound of cabinets and drawers opening and closing and the smell of bacon hit me. I go down the stairs in a calmly manner and walk into the kitchen. A kitchen, full of four shirtless, very fit, very muscular, very lean boys. I guess I must have gasped or something because they all look up at the same time. And creepily enough, they all smrik a cockily smirk.

"Hey you guys," I squeak and Dylan comes over to me and gives me a kiss. I should be disgusted, but damn. His body is a very nice distraction. Which it shouldn't be but still, damn. "Hi, Avery." Marco says, passing me a cup of coffee. When did Marco get so ripped? Oh god, I need help. I smile gratefully at Marco ams start preparing my coffee. "So, anything I can do to help?" I ask, sitting on the stool and resting my mug on the counter.

"Nah, this is from the guys to the girls." Dylan says, giving me a smile. "Than why is Josh helping?" I ask, mocking innocently. "Ooooooohhhhhhhh shit!" Ryder exclaims and we all laugh. Josh throws a glare at me from over his shoulder and I smirk. He shakes his head, laughing. "All this time, I thought we were friends." Josh says and my heart drops.

Friends, not really a word I would describe us as. Maybe friends with some benefits. Maybe not even friends, maybe just aqaintances.

"Good morning!" someone cheers and I turn around and see Alexia, already showered and dressed in cutoff shorts and a Nirvana muscle tank, her hair damp and falling around her shoulders. A chorus of hey's go around the room and she sits down on the stool next to me. I smile politely at her and she rolls her eyes, no doubt she's still mad at me.

"Well, be right back you guys." Josh says and Marco takes over the stove. Josh half smiles at me as he cautionaly walks up the stairs. I linger on the stairs a bit more and then tear my eyes from it. "Are you guys almost done?" I ask, whining. "Not even close, most of us just woke up." Ryder says, motioning to Marco and Dylan. Smiling, I shake my head and look out the porch. "We gonna eat outside again?" I ask, remembering last night and how it was nice feeling the ocean breeze. Dylan scowls and says "Not making the same mistake twice."

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