Give Me Love

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an: okay, good news you guys! I'm going to try to update twice in a week! key word : try. Monday's and Thursday's are my goal dates, hopefully I can make them!

p.s : Alexia is the girl that flirted with Josh in the beginning. She wasn't mentioned much before but now she will, since she and Josh are cousins.


*time skip from October to December*


*Avery's POV*


Josh's 18th birthday was coming up faster than anticipated and I was not ready for what it would bring. He had recently confessed to me in one of our late- night get together's that his parents have almost always been away on his birthday. And that once James was born, they were there for two birthdays and then again, they left. But me being the person that I am, I want to make this a special as possible. When I told him this, he sighed. "Avery, I've already told you. Please tell me you'll treat that day like any other day. "How? It's the last day before winter break too!" I exclaim.

"Promise me you'll treat December 18th like any other day." Josh begs and I shrug. "I guess." I say and he smiles, shaking his head and then he kisses me.

I shake the thought away and close my locker door. Since me and Dylan broke up, everyone decided to take my side. I told them it wasn't necessary, he was a member of our group. I walk down the hall to my 3rd period and run smack into someone. All my stuff falls to the floor and I sigh, "I'm really sorry." I apologize. "Avery," the person says and I freeze. "Jesus," I mumble and slowly look up to find Emma. I gather up my stuff quickly and get up. "Sorry for bumping into you." I say and start to quickly walk away. She grabs my arm and I try to yank it back but she's too strong.

"Avery, please. Can we talk?" Emma begs and I shake my head. "What's done is done, Emma. It's too late now, you didn't value our friendship." I say and now it's Emma's turn to shake her head. "That's not what happened! Just listen to me!" She says and then kicks the locker next to us. I roll my eyes at her dramatics and finally yank my arm away. "No, Emma, and now you made me late. Good bye." I say and walk away. I hurry off to my class and slide through the door just as the teacher's closing it. "Don't let it happen again, Ms. Hernandez." My teacher says. "Sorry." I mumble, flustered and take my seat.

When the bell rings for lunch, practically fly out the classroom and head downstairs to the cafeteria. On my way there, I bump into Josh and I hug him. "Hey!" I say and he smiles. "What's up?" He asks as we walk into the cafeteria and head to our usual table. "Nothing, really. Just counting down for tonight." I say, smirking. Josh smirks slightly and looks at me from the corner of his eyes. "You never cease to surprise me." Josh says and I laugh. "That's the plan." I say and then wink. "I'll see you in a bit." Josh says and I nod, and then sit down at our table. "Okay, guys. I've got to make this quick before Josh comes." I say as soon as I sit down. "What's wrong?" Alexia asks. Ever sense Alexia and Josh found out they were cousins, they've been sorta close.

"Well, his birthday's coming up, next Friday. And I want to do something special for him." I say and they nod. "What do you have in mind?" Marco asks. I give them a lay out of what I want to do and just as I finish, Josh comes. "What are you guys talking about?" Josh asks as he sits down across from me. "Just how un attractive you are." I say and he mocks hurt. "Hit a guy where it hurts." He says and we laugh. Luckily, he drops the subject and doesn't ask anymore questions.

As I'm heading upstairs for fourth period, someone taps on my shoulder. I turn around to find Alexia, and I give her a tight smile. "Hey." I say and I open the door to the hallway. "Could I talk to you?" she asks me and I nod. "What's up?" I ask. We stop at the side of the hallway and Alexia sighs. "Well, I'm not going to dance around this. I'm gonna go straight to the point." She says and my lip curls into a small smile. "When don't you?" I ask and Alexia laughs. "Okay, well, I had this whole speech but I kinda forgot it." Alexia says. "Oh my god." I say and now it's my turn to laugh.

"Well, basically, I was hoping we could put our grudge behind. I know that we'll probably never be the type of friends you and Emma... were, but I also don't want things to be awkward. I want to get along with you." Alexia says and I hold my breathe. "Trust me, I know it'll be hard, I'm not easy to get along with, but we should at least try." Alexia concludes. "Alright, I hear you. I say... yes. We should try to get along and who knows? Maybe we'll end up being good friends." I say and she nods. "What's your next class?" I ask her and we start walking down the hall together. "Career management. And you?" She replies. "World history." I say and we stop in between two classes. "Well, here's my stop." We say in union. "So, we were beside each other all this time and didn't even know it." I point and and Alexia shrugs. "Guess so. I'll see you later." she says and we go into our class.

I turn around and see Emma, standing outside the class, in the hallway, and she's glaring at me and I get a flashback.


"Have you seen what Alexia is wearing? Might as well be wearing nothing at all." Emma scoffs and I take a drink of my Dr. Pepper. "It's not that bad looking." I say, trying to make the best of it. "Oh, come on, Avery! You know she looks as if she were about to bang every guy here!" Emma says in disgust. "Well, maybe she's looking for attention like you are so your parents won't get a divorce." I say and Emma turns to look at me. "My parents what?" Emma snaps and I shake my head quickly. "Nothing. Nothing. But yeah, you're totally right." I say quickly.

Emma tosses her hair back and says "Aren't I always?" And then she laughs. I take another sip of my drink and slightly roll my eyes. We watch Alexia for a little while longer and then Emma groans. "I can't take this any longer." She exclaims and goes up to the guy Alexia was trying to flirt with. She whispers something in his ear and then turns and smiles at Alexia as the guy turns to her in disgust and then walks away.

"I think I'd rather die than be friends with Alexia Jensen." I hear myself say and Emma nods in agreement.

*flashback over*


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