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*because a lot more people than I expected hadn't been able to see the chapter! sorry for the false update.*

*Avery's POV*


I let go of Josh's hand as we head towards our group of friends. My hand suddenly goes cold at the loss of physical contact. "Hi you guys!" I say as we walk over to them.

"Hey, long ride?" Dylan says as he kisses me on the cheek. I try hard not to cringe, thinking about the girl's lips now on my cheek.

"Not really, I had Joshy's company." I say, smiling.

Josh smiles at me and then avoids looking at a scowling Dylan.

Dylan pulls me closer to him and kisses my forehead. I try again not to cringe but it's hard. Who was the Dylan that made me a picnic and asked me out through fireworks, and who was the Dylan that cheated on my with God knows how many other girls?


"Yo! Who is paying for this- this- this, mansion!?" Emma exclaims. I was completely taken back when I saw Emma that morning. She hadn't to told me wheather or not she was going to come. And judging by Josh's face, she hadn't told him either.

I rub my temples and sigh. "It's Dylan's beach house." Emma's eyes widen and Kendell squeals. "Totally bae material!" Brittney says, as she snaps a picture of the grand entrance.

I force a smile on my face and watch as almost all they guys, excluding Josh, carry in our bags. The house is big enough for all of us to have our own room, and there are still a few empty rooms.

The girls and I make our way to a beautiful kitchen with a pizza oven (!!!) , two regular ovens, three fridges (!!!!!!) and an expesive looking stove. By the walk in pantry, there's a small dining table and a bar table to it's side.

From a distance, I hear the boys coming down the stairs, their feet thundering as they make their way to us.

"Yo! What are we having for dinner?" Ryder asks, peering into one of the fridges.

"Why are there so many goddamn fridges?" Josh asks awkwardly.

"One is for pure alcohol, fully stocked by the way, and the rest for food." Dylan explains, leaning on the counter.

"Yo! Can we make burgers?" Marco asks, excitedly.

"Yo!" Alexia mimics them and then adds "I'm a vegetarian, remember?" I roll my eyes at this.

'You may not eat meat but you sure as hell love sucking on it.' I think bitterly.

"What the hell Avery?!" Alexia exclaims.

I frown. "What are you talking about?"

"You just said that she...." Ryder motions with his hands, mouth and tounge. "No I didnt! Atleast not outloud!" I exclaim amd Alexia's eyes widen. "Oh, so if you don't say it outloud, it's okay?"

I roll my eyes and rub my temples, "Oh fuck." I mumble. "Cat fight! Me - ow!" Marco exclaims , as Emma knudges him in the ribs. Thank god for my best friend. I massage my temples again and Alexia scoffs and storms up the stairs.

"I honestly cannot believe you just said that." Brittney says softly. "But you have to admit I'm right. Where's Ty, Brit. Where's Ty?" I say and she bites her lip.

Two years ago, Brittney had a boyfriend named Ty. And those two were practically attached to the hip ; and in the "aw you guys are so cute together" not the "oh my god please stop" way.

And then Alexia met him. And a week later, we all went to a party and found them hooking up at a party. If they were drunk, that's one thing. But they were both sober. Brittney took it really hard and she stopped talking to Alexia for about three months. But, because of the whole "sisters before misters" thing, they started talking again.

I knew that , even two years later, it was still kind of a sore spot for her. I regretted it as soon as it came out my mouth but just as I was about to apologize, she runs up the stairs with a sob and I sigh.

I really needed to take a pill for this migraine. It was turning me into a bitch.

"Damn, Avery. Take your bitch pill already, will you?" Kendell snaps and goes after her best friend.

After an awkward pause, Marco speaks up. "Yeah, well, we're gonna go get the stuff to make burgers. Bye guys!" And Dylan and Ryder follow him out and Dylan shoots me an apologetic look as he closes the door. Emma yawns and says "I'm gonna go and maybe take a nap, this pain medication is more of a pain than the actual pain" she says and she awkwardly hobbles up the stairs.

"You gonna stay or are you gonna leave like everyone else?" I ask Josh, who is now sitting on the couch.

He grins and pats the seat next to him on the couch. Grinning, i make my way over to him and sit awfully close next to him. So close, I can smell his minty Chapstick.

It feels as if just yesterday, I could lean in and just kiss him and forget my worries. Josh looks over at me, the same look he used to give me when we were hooking up.

Hormones, they stir up quite a but of trouble, do they not?

I crash my lips into Josh's and I think we both sigh in relief. He pulls me so close to him that I have to climb onto his lap. I keep my hands on his shoulders ams I swipe my tongue along his bottom lip, teasing him. He opens his mouth and tries to deepen the kiss and I pull my tongue back into my mouth. His hands go down to my butt and he squeezes. I gasp and his tongue enters my mouth. Sneaky little bastard.

I move my hips in a circular motion and receive a moan as a prize. His hangs slowly travel up my body and under my shirt, cupping my breast. I haven't even gotten this far with Dylan. I gasp as Josh bites my lip, playfully tugging it.

"Josh." I say softly as he places small kisses on my neck. Suddenly, I remember about Emma, my best friend. Who may or may not like Josh. "Josh, Emma's upstairs." I say and he immediately stops.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" He says and I climb off his lap.

"You're with Dylan and I may or may not be with your best friend. What is wrong with us?" Josh exclaims. "It was a slip up. And as long as another one doesn't happen, we're good." I say and I quickly rush upstairs, leaving before I hear his answer.


A/N : Hi guys! I wanted to apologize for the late update and the cliffhanger on the last chapter. Hopefully, yall like this one!

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