Officially Screwed

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*Avery's POV*

*Lunch, couple moments before Ryder's State Fair Annoucment*


When I get to the lunch table, everyone's there, even Josh.

Looks like my night of praying didn't help, or come true.

I go over and sit down and wait for lunch to be over already.

But, like I didn't see this coming, Ryder gets straight to buissness.

"Alright. So, the State Fair's coming up! And this year, I suggest we go. Drum roll, please." He says and we all drum on the table.

I do it even though I'm not really in the mood. But Ryder is like a brother.

"On Thursday! Opening day. As in, skipping school and going there the entire day!" Ryder exclaims and we all cheer, or I do it mostly for show.

But, my act can't last that long. Skipping school?! I'm already grounded!

But, what my mom doesn't know, can't hurt her, right?

"So, Thursday?" I hear someone ask.

I look up, Josh. Of course. He's probably even the one who came up with the idea. Sick bastard.

"Yeah. We're gonna be there from when the doors open, till when the doors close, ight?" Ryder explains

Well, I am officially screwed. The door usually close till midnight.

The excited chatter begins and I'm thinking about what I'm going to say to my mom.

"Right, Avery?" Emma asks.

Great, I wasn't even paying attention to my best friend.

I think she asked me if I thought the fair was going to be fun.

"Yeah!" I say, trying to not make it sound so fake and preppy.


The entire time at lunch was horrible. Josh kept sneaking looks at me, and everyone kept talking about the State Fair.

This was going to be a very long day.

And it even got worse after that.

After 3rd period, I had to go to my locker to get my stuff, and of course, Josh came over.

"Hey, you alright?" He asked me.

"Why? You don't care. " I scoff.

"I actually do care. For your information. Why don't you, ah, come over tonight. And we can talk about it." Josh said.

"Yeah. But you just wanna talk really, really closly." I snap.

"Snickers, there is nothing wrong with that." He smirked.

"Snickers?" I questioned.

"Yeah, Snickers are thick, so when a girl is 'thicker than a snicker' she got a fat ass." Josh winks and I gag.

"Is that your idea of a compliment?" I ask him.

"Yeah, why?" He asks.

"You disgust me." I snap an he laughs.

"That isn't what you were saying last night."

"Josh!" I exclaim amd wait for a group of freshman girls to walk by. Which takes a while because they keep staring at Josh. Urgh.

"What are you looking at?!" I snap and they hurry down the hallway.

"Josh, you can't just say stuff out loud like that." I say, turning back to him.

"Why? Afraid someone will think we're dating?" He smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Yes! That's kinda the reason." I scoff.

"Well then, your fucked cause those girls probably already think we're dating." He says and I bang my head on my locker.

This day can't possibly get any worse.

"What are you two still doing in the hall? Get to class!" Someone says and I turn around to find Coach Jenkins.

"Yes Sir." I say and bolt down the hall.

'This day was so fucking bad.' I can't help think.

A/N: So I realised something: I update almost 3 days after the last chapter. Like chapter posted, 3 days pass, chapter posted, 3 days pass. I guess that's my update schedual, now xD Cause I need time to get my creative juices flowing. So, yeah. Happy Halloween! Do you still trick or treat? I do! What are you going to be for halloween? I'm gonna be Saw. Awesome, right? Sike nah😂 So how's life? Do you have any suggestions? I'd love to hear them! XOXO

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