ARC 3.14

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Adria's face bloomed into a beautiful smile as she saw Damien leaning against his car and waving at her with a gentle look on his face. She waved her hands back at him and walked to his side quickly.

'Damien! Are you here to pick your brother up from school?'

'No. I-I mean (Agh I don't know if it will scare her if I told her that I came to pick her up)I-I...' Damien was torn between telling the truth or lying to her. He steeled his heart and decided to tell the truth since he wanted her to feel his sincerity.

'I came to pick you, b-but don't get me wrong I-I just just...' Damien's face had a rare blush as he fumbled for words to explain that he doesn't have any ulterior motives behind his actions.

'Pfftttt- Hahahahaha' Adria broke into laughter seeing her husband's innocent side. She had never seen him this flustered except for the times he proposed in those previous worlds.

'Haaaa...' Damien sighed in embarrassment at his own struggle while he was scolding himself at his head but then seeing the girl beside laugh his mood eased and his heart felt warm.

'Tchhh....I didn't expect my friend to have a pedophile as his brother' Edgard commented from behind with a smirk.

This comment made Damien both anxious and irritated. Anxious that Adria may think of him badly and irritated because a certain someone keeps poking his nose at his business.

'Well Edgard, you should read a dictionary if you don't know the meaning of a pedophile. I'm not young and he is not old. How can you call him like that? Don't you spilled words are hard to take back? Please apologize to Damien for your rude behavior. I didn't expect your vocabulary to be so shallow. Tsk,'re nearing the end of high school, if you still can't get your vocabulary straight, I suggest you take extra classes to catch up. But it's understandable since not everyone is a genius like Damien, who skipped grades and graduated early.' Adria spoke hastily speaking for her lover.

Edgard just looked pitifully at her and whispered a sorry while clenching his fists. Damien didn't care about his insincere apology but rather felt his heart beating faster as Adria spoke up for him. He felt very touched by her words and at that moment he just wanted to take her away and hide her as if she is his long-lost treasure. He was about to speak up when he heard a gasp.

'*Gasp* D-Damien is that you?' Roselyn walked towards him with misty eyes and a trembling voice. She slowly raised her hand to touch him only to be swatted away by Damien. 

Damien's gentle eyes turned hostile the moment he saw Roselyn approaching him, and as she raised her hands to touch him he got very angry. He didn't even know who the girl in front of him his, but she talked with such familiarity and longing and even dared to touch him in front of his future wife! Do these people pop up from somewhere just to make him look like a scumbag in front of his wife-to-be? He looked coldly at Roselyn.

'Do I even know you? How can you touch someone you just met?' He spoke with disgust at her presence. 

'T-That you don't know me but I know you.' Roselyn spoke longingly still not noticing the hostility in Damien's eyes.

'I'm sorry but I can't talk to every person who knows me, I don't do charity services. So please don't approach me again.' Damien spoke cruelly while rubbing the hand that swatted her hand away with a hand sanitizer as if she was something disgusting.

This answer and action finally made her notice the disgust in his eyes, she trembled all over.

'H-How could this be, you were supposed to fall in love with me' She mumbled in a low voice but it was enough for the three people to hear it.

Hearing her mumble, the already cold face became even colder and his whole body was emitting a dangerous aura.

Damien was about to open his mouth to scold the evil woman when he heard a whimper beside him.

He immediately let go of his thoughts and focused on Adria who was now crying big fat tears out, making her gentle face look pitiful. His heart felt like it was hit by a thousand arrows, but he decided to first take her away from these two crazy people. He was afraid that if he kept staying here with these people he would be saying farewell to his love story even before it started.

So he quickly grabbed Adria's hands and dragged her into his car. As soon as they both got in, the car drove away from the school.

Roselyn felt another shock fall on her as she saw this scene. Her mind gradually cleared and she felt more hatred towards Clara. She kept glaring at the path the car went. Edgard seeing her ugly look scoffed mockingly. Hearing his scoff, Roselyn adjusted her expression and looked at him with sadness written all over her face.

'Edgard, can't you see how much of a bitch she is? Look! She just left you as soon as she saw a rich person.' Roselyn tried her best to make Edgard see Clara's "True face".

'Weren't you the one who just tried to grab a person you met for the first time?' Edgard asked sarcastically.

'That! I-I really know him!' Roselyn replied with a blushing face due to embarrassment.

'Shhhh....' Edgard leaned forward and placed a finger just above her lips without actually touching it.

'I'm not in the mood to hear your green tea bitch talk, just remember if that little mouth of yours doesn't stop speaking nonsense, I would make sure it never opens up again in your entire life. And don't keep pestering my Paulo Amare too much, I know she would get bored if you don't pester her so you can keep irritating her, but if you go overboard.......Hehe' Edgard smiled creepily as if he was thinking something interesting.

Roselyn felt a shiver down her spine as she looked at Edgard's still gentle-looking face with a creepy smile on it. Her instincts made her feel that he was even more dangerous than Clara. She took a step back staggeringly, looking at her pale face Edgard felt satisfied as he turned and walked away. 

Roselyn seeing Edgard walk away shook her head to clear her thoughts.

She wondered why she thought Edgard was dangerous, obviously in her previous life he was the sweetest and most gentle suitor she had, so how could he be scary? no way, maybe she was wrong, but the words he spoke.....No maybe he was just showing his anger on Clara over her, Yes! That must be it! Hmph when Edgard sees her true self maybe he would beg on his knees for his words today.

Thinking so Roselyn smirked and looked forward to that day when she could tear Clara's fake face in front of everyone. 

Inside the car, Damien was looking at the girl who had stopped crying but still had a pitiful face on. The corner of her eyes were red and her face had tear stains making her look like she was bullied. Damien's heart felt painful as he hugged her gently as if treating a porcelain glass. 

Damien couldn't help but feel annoyed that he was also a reason for the pitiful appearance of his lover. He vowed to make this pitiful fairy the happiest being in the world, he would hold her in his palms and grant every wish of hers, and whoever dares to make her unhappy would live a life worse than dying.

Adria who was burning her face in his chest had a shallow smile as if she could guess what was going on in her hubby's mind.

A.N- Hope you enjoy the chapter dear lovelies!!! Catch you guys next week with a new chapter bu-byeeeeee!!!! Love you all, and thanks for all the support guys!

See y'all next week!!!!

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