ARC : 2.23

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Huang Min's mind went blank when he saw the letter. First, he wanted to confirm if the letter was true, so he went to the Duke's house. When he went there, he saw that the duke's house was in a mess. The servants were rushing everywhere. He felt uneasy as he saw the scene before him. He picked up his pace and went to see the duke. 

The Duke was pacing back and forth in his room anxiously. When he saw Huang min, he breathed out sigh of relief.

'Second Prince, Is Cheng xiu with you? Was she late because she was with you? Where is she now? That girl, she should have informed me if she was going with you. We were really worried-'

His ramblings came to a stop when he noticed how Huang min's face was getting darker every second. He felt a bad premonition in his heart. 

'S-Second Prince??' He asked feeling anxious.

'Father-in-law...' He showed a guilty expression as he handled the letter that came to him, the Duke read the letter, his face grew pale for a second before gaining back his composed look.

'Second prince I believe in you. I know you care for my daughter so please find her as soon as possible.' He knew how capable the Second prince is and how much he cares about his daughter.  So he decided to believe in his future son-in-law. 

'Father-in-law, please rest assured. I wouldn't let anyone harm my Xiu'er.' Huang min promised his father-in-law and strode out of the room to prepare the search for his Xiu'er.

Though he reassured his father-in-law, his anxiousness kept growing minute by minute  as he worried for his Xiu'er's safety. 

Contrary to Huang Min's panicking, Adria who was kidnapped was calmly lying on the cold floor, blindfolded and both hands tied up.

**Host, I just realized that you're more evil than I thought -_-||**

*OMG! How can you call your cute host Evil! I'm offended LIL (╯3╰)* Adria spoke in a sick sweet tone making LIL to have goosebumps.

**Host, please don't speak like this ever again. I don't want to suffer from nightmares ⊙_⊙.**

*Humph! You're no fun, LIL.→_→ * Adria spoke in her usual manner.

**But host, seriously, Why did you make Huang Zhu kidnap you? **

(A. N- In case you guys forgot Huang Zhu is the daughter of first concubine who competed with Adria during the banquet)

*Well, didn't I  tell you before it's time for some sweet revenge? At first I only planned to make  my hubby worry a little but after seeing Huang Zhu that day at the temple when she came to pray for her mother's wellness, I remembered our bet that was left unfulfilled.  That's why I planned to hit two birds with one stone. But she is really an Idiot to actually kidnap me from my simple provocations. Did she really believe that by kidnapping me she could have her mother released from her crimes? Cheh Cheh. She has a very low IQ to believe in my words ヽ(`⌒´)ノ* Adria shook her head in disappointment.

**HUH?๏_๏ So everything you told was a lie? Even I thought your lover would arrange for anything to save you from your kidnapper, was it not the case?@_@ **

*Ah, I forgot that you suffer from low IQ too -_-# . Of course, my hubby would do anything to save me but that didn't mean he would simply listen to the kidnapper's threats. Who do you think my hubby is? He has faced a lot of battles standing in the front line, do you think he wouldn't be able to track me down? Also I have deliberately left some trails, so that he wouldn't have much difficulty in finding me. Now, we just have to wait for him to arrive, but it's really boring waiting here simply. LIL, Can you tell me where Huang Zhu is? I would love to spice up things a little.* She spoke excitedly.

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