ARC 2.16

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Adria went to sleep after thinking for a long time on how to proceed further with her plans. She perceived that the only solution to find answers for her questions is to infiltrate the palace, but that's not an easy job. She wrecked her brain to come up with plans, but before she could come up with a plan she fell asleep due to tiredness.

The next day, she got an invite from the third concubine, Ji Ying (Huang min's mother) to accompany her in watching the beautiful flowers that has bloomed in the imperial garden. Adria was happy to have an opportunity to sneak into the palace. At the same time she was also a bit nervous and excited to meet her soon to be mother-in-law for the first time.

Adria was enjoying the slightly cool yet gentle breeze, as she was riding in the carriage to go to the palace. The carriage reached the palace. As soon as she stepped outside the carriage she spotted a familiar face smiling at her.

'Min-ge' she called out to him. She felt her slightly anxious heart calming down on seeing him.

'Was your ride comfortable, Xiu'er?' He took her hand in his and spoke to her with a gentle smile.

The servants and eunuchs who saw this scene was shocked to see the gentle smile on the face of the second prince. For a second they thought they were dreaming. Some teenage servant girls fell in love with that gentle smile and stared at Adria with jealous.

Adria felt the burning stares and looked at the gentle smile on his face. She felt uneasy for having others see her lover's smile. She stamped on his foot heavily. Huang min was startled by her sudden action. He wondered what he did to make his little kitten get angry suddenly.

'Xiu'er, what happened? Why are you angry at me? Did I do something wrong?' He asked with his gentle tone coaxing her like a child.

'Humph!!' Adria turned her head away from him and started to walk forward without waiting for him. Huang min scratched his head while wondering what he did wrong. He saw her walking forward and walked quickly to catch up with her. He pleaded to her all the way asking to forgive him for whatever he did wrong.

When they reached the third concubine's courtyard, Adria stopped walking and turned towards Huang Min. She looked at the man who was looking at her with pleading eyes, she sighed in her heart. She knew her reaction was a bit exaggerated considering he really didn't do anything wrong.

'M-Min-ge, I'm sorry. You didn't do anything wrong. It was me who was jealous that others saw your smile.' She told him while feeling embarrassed for her actions. Huang min chuckled at her actions. He enveloped her whole body with his and kissed her head. He felt happy that Xiu'er felt jealous because of him.

'Xiu'er, I will only smile for you. So don't worry about what others would think. No matter what they think, I will only have you in my eyes and heart.'

'En, I know' She replied while returning his hug.

They went into the courtyard while holding their hands, only when they went inside the Third concubine's building they let go of their hands. A servant came and guided them to where the third concubine was. The third concubine was sitting on a chair while drinking a warm drink. She looked very gentle and elegant. They greeted her in unison.

The third concubine looked at them and smiled brightly.

'You guys came!! Come, Come Xiuxiu, let me see the beautiful face that cured my son's face paralysis.' She spoke in an excited manner. Adria almost laughed out loud at her comment.

'Mother!' Huang min voiced his objection at her comment.

'My,My look at this guy. I never knew he would speak to me like that. Is this the way you speak to your mother?' She reprimanded him but her tone was playful not caring a hint of anger.

'But I'm happy you're speaking like this.' Her tone was a bit heavy like she was suppressing the emotions inside her. Adria clearly saw the sorrow that flashed in her eyes.

'Mother. I'm sorry for worrying you.' Huang min felt a bit guilty for his actions in the past.

'Haa, Never mind. This old lady was just getting emotional. 'The Third concubine laughed to clear the awkward atmosphere.

'Imperial concubine-' Adria begun speaking but was interrupted by the third concubine.

'This child! Aren't you going to marry my son? Why are you still using the honorifics? Call me mother.' She reprimanded in the same tone she used before.

Adria smiled before speaking.

'Mother. Thanks for inviting me today' She bowed before she was pulled up by the third concubine.

'Aiyaa, What did I say to you? From now on you are not supposed to be formal with me! Do you understand?'

'En, Mother.' She smiled.

Afterwards, the third concubine made Huang min go away so that she and Adria could spend some time together. They went to the Imperial garden and were looking at the beautiful flowers.

'Xiuxiu.' The third concubine called her.

'Mother?' she looked at the third concubine.

'Xiuxiu, I really want to thank you for accepting my son. That brat didn't like to express his emotions even when he was a child. He kept everything inside. He didn't smile or cry like other children. He behaved like a matured adult when he was only nine years old. The schemings of the people around us made him close his heart to others. As his mother, I wanted him to have a happy life but I didn't know what would make him happy. The first thing he asked me was to allow him to take part in the battle at the border'saying so she laughed a little.

'He was thirteen years old at that time. I didn't know if I should be happy or sad. The child who didn't ask for anything finally told he wanted something, so I accepted his request half heartedly. He promised me, he would definitely come back and he kept that promise every time he went to a battle. He loved his siblings even though they are born from different mothers. In order to not fight with them for the throne, he willingly resigned himself from the fight for throne. I was really worried for him. I thought he would spend all his life in loneliness. But suddenly after coming from His Majesty's birthday banquet, he requested me to ask his majesty to issue a imperial edict on marrying him and you. I was really surprised at his sudden request. I even thought he was doing this for other's sake but when I saw the longing in his eyes, I knew this time he was asking something for himself. After that, he became more expressive. Now I can see him laughing and acting like a normal young man. It's all thanks to you. I will forever be grateful to you, Xiuxiu.' The third concubine smiled at her.

'Mother, Please don't thank me. I'm the one who should thank you for accepting me as your daughter-in-law. I promise you I will love Min-ge for all my lives and I will make sure that he feels happy throughout his life. I won't let him feel lonely ever. So please don't worry about Min-ge mother.' Adria assured her. The third concubine was pleased by her words.

They spent half of the day on the garden while talking about things that interest them. They both got along quickly and became closer with each other. At the end of the day, they were talking and laughing freely without feeling awkward. Huang min who was shooed away looked at them enviously. Why can't he hang out with them too?He also wanted to spend time with his Xiu'er and mother. When the Duo looked at the person who was having a wronged look on his face, they begun laughing.

At dinner she asked the third concubine for permission to stay in the palace for a night. The third concubine was very happy to hear her request. So after dinner, she went to the guest quarters to spend the night.

After making sure that everyone has slept Adria begun her plan.

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