ARC 1.12

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'Miss, Do you need any help?' Adria asked with a pleasant smile on her face. 'Can you please drop me at the x street, I wasn't able to get a cab so will you guys please help. It's kinda scary to be alone in this late night.' Leanne replied as tears gathered in her eyes and her face had a pleading expression as though she was afraid that they would refuse to help her.

Before Jace could even open his mouth, Adria agreed to help her, after all they would have to go by the x street to reach their home, so it's not much trouble for them. Jace finally had the time to be together with his beloved after ages, but it seems his luck was very unfortunate as his happiness was cut short. He could only shower his displeasure on the person who interrupted his sweet time, he glared at the new person through his rear view mirror. Since Adria had occupied the front seat of the car, Leanne gritted her teeth and sat at the back seat. As soon as she sat she felt someone staring at her, when she raised her head her gaze was met with a hot gaze. She have seen this face many times in the magazines but seeing it in real, she could feel herself melt in his hot gaze. Adria seeing the blush creeping at Leanne's face felt dissatisfied. She knows that Jace was only angry at Leanne and was glaring at her, but thinking of the stupid blushing face of Leanne, she knows that she (Leanne) mistook his glaring eyes for something else, she don't even want to know what she mistook it for.

There was strange atmosphere inside the car. Adria cleared her throat lightly. 'Jace, can you start the car?' she asked bringing Jace back from his glaring contest. 'Ummm...yeah' Jace replied feeling lightly ashamed for his behaviour earlier, he was always able to keep his emotions at check.Though it changed when he met his Ria, every single thing about her makes his emotions overflow. He wanted to treasure her and love her with his whole heart. As he was thinking all these things, he unknowingly glanced at Ria, who was sitting beside him with a deep loving gaze. Adria could feel her lover's gaze on her, so she turned towards him. 'What?' she asked him while giggling softly. Instead of answering her, he petted her hair gently. Adria could feel the blood rising to her face. If it was a normal day, she would have slapped his hand away and turned away from him while puffing her cheeks but she didn't do so since they had a very special audience today.

'You...We are not alone,Stop it' She said while blushing in soft meek voice. Even though she said so, She didn't remove his hands from her head. It was like she indirectly approved his actions in spite of telling those words. Jace felt his heart bubbling with happiness as his love did not turn away from him. He could feel that his efforts are paying off, he thought that he would soon be able to make Ria fall in love with him. As he was on his own bubble of happiness a sticky voice sounded from behind him. 'You guys seem to have a very good relationship.My brother would also pet my hair the same way.' Her words may look soft on the outside but it was actually filled with sarcasm towards Adria.Of course, Adria could understand the hidden meaning behind her remark, She was indirectly telling Adria that these actions didn't mean that Jace has any special feeling towards her and he was only looking at her as a sister. Adria scoffed at her heart but put on a sad expression on her face. Jace also understood the sarcasm and when he looked at Ria's sad expression, his face got cold. He stopped the car, and asked Leanne to get out of his car.

Leanne was surprised by this sudden turn of events. If she knew that she could get such a strong reaction from him, then she wouldn't have expressed her discontent. She was already mad since her plan was totally destroyed by the unknown bitch and when she saw Jace petting her hair, She couldn't keep up her thoughts calm anymore and threw out a comment to remind the bitch to know her place, but she didn't know that Jace placed a high importance on her. This is all because of the bitch that Jace is so angry on her. She gathered tears once again in her eyes and asked him what wrong did she do and asked him not to leave her in the road alone in the night. She looked really pitiful, but Jace was not having any of it, he ruthlessly shoved her out of his car and drove his car away. Leanne cursed and blamed at Adria for destroying her plan.

Inside the car, Jace was still angry and he had deep frown on his forehead. He couldn't bear to see his Ria sad, he would make sure that whoever made his Ria sad, will face the depths of hell. Adria was also surprised by the events, since she didn't thought that Jace would behave so Offended, but she was also happy by the results. Seeing that Jace was still angry, Ria sighed silently. 'Don't frown, you look ugly.' she said as she smoothened his frown with her fingers. Jace relaxed hearing her voice, he took her hand which was on his forehead and pressed it to his cheek. 'I'm sorry, I lost my control then. I can't bear to see you sad.' He whispered like a big child confessing his wrong doings. Ria laughed lightly and looked deeply at him. 'I love you' she confessed her feelings to him suddenly. Ria eagerly waited to see his reactions, at first he looked like he didn't hear anything but then he suddenly pressed the brake. As the result Adria bumped her head in the head rest. It was not that severe but it still earned a painful groan from her mouth.

She just wanted to surprise him with her sudden confession, she didn't think that she would get hit as a result. She glared at him with her red eyes. 'You! Is this what you do to the person who confesses her love for you' Her voice trembled as her head was still aching from the impact. Hearing this Jace widened his eyes in disbelief. 'What? so I didn't hear it wrong? You really love me? Oh my god! Ria, I love you, I love you.' Jace squeezed her in his hug. Adria only chuckled at his reaction forgetting about her previous complaints. He got outside the car and screamed in joy. Luckily, it was highway, otherwise he would be arrested for disturbing people's sleep by screaming in the middle of the night.

After venting his joy and happiness, They reached Adria's house. Ria told him to wait a little longer before they announce their relationships to their family. She went inside her house and got to the balcony and waved at her lover who was still standing outside her house. Jace waved back and got inside the car and went to his home. He couldn't sleep with all the excitement. He looks forward to his future with his beloved.

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