ARC 2.14

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Their carriage came to a stop. Adria who was curious to see the cherry blossoms eagerly stood up.

'Xiu'er wait!' Huang min called her.

'Ah- What is it, Min ge?' Adria looked at him.

He took off the outer jacket he was wearing and wrapped it on Adria.

' Though the spring season has begun, the wind is still chill . There is chance that you many catch cold. So, make sure you don't take this coat off of you, Ok?' He gazed at her lovingly while advising her.

'En, Min-ge.' Adria was touched by his gentle actions.

They both stepped out of the carriage. The beautiful pink colored petals covered the whole garden making it look attractive.

'Wow!' Adria gasped at the beautiful scenery before her.

'Looks pretty, right Min-ge?'

'En, pretty.' He replied.

She turned to look at him only to meet his hot gaze at her. He bent down and tucked a hair behind her ear.

'Very pretty.' He said still looking at her. Adria got embarrassed by his gaze and bent her head only to be stopped mid way. Huang min raised her chin with his fingers.

' Don't hide your face from me. I always want your eyes to look at mine.' He spoke with a frown in his forehead. Adria chuckled at his actions internally.

'En, Min-ge.' She smiled brightly at him while gently rubbing his forehead with her fingers to remove his frown.

Huang min was once again captivated by her actions. He quickly pulled her into a hug. Though Adria was startled by the sudden pull, she embraced him tightly. After that they looked around the garden for a long time before settling to take some rest.

They sat below a cherry blossom tree and was enjoying the view, when Huang min noticed Adria yawning. He did expect her to get tired after wandering in the garden for a long time. He was prepared well enough,so he ordered his servants to bring the tea for them to drink. He patted her head gently.

'Feeling tired? Do you want to return home after drinking the tea?' Though he wanted to spend more time with her, he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable.

'Hmmm.. I do feel tired but I don't want to go home yet. I want to stay a bit longer with Min-ge.'

Huang min didn't expect her to be so straight forward with her intentions. He felt his heart being filled with warmth.

'Are you sure, Xiu'er?' He asked her once again worried for her health.

'Of course, Min-ge. Why are you asking me again? Are you already tired of accompanying me?' She whined as some tears accumulated in her eyes. Huang min, the fearless guy who fought many battles without batting an eye was most afraid of those tears. He couldn't bear to see tears in those pearl like eyes.

'Shushhh....It's nothing like that. How can I get tired of my precious jewel?huh? Obviously, I want to spend all my eternity with my Xiu'er. So don't worry about such things ever again, Alright?' He soothed her hurriedly.

Adria was laughing madly internally. She really liked to make him fluster like that. She chuckled loudly making him stunned by the sudden change in her emotions.

'Min-ge, I was just teasing you, Hahaha. ' She laughed at him. Huang min tackled her to the ground suddenly.

'Do you know, what happens to the people who tease this prince?' He laid on top of her, his face inches away from her. They could feel each other's breath.

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