ARC 2.12

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The afternoon was warm and sunny.  There were two figures sitting under the gazebo. They didn't speak anything. One was staring at the other while the other just kept her head bowed.

Huang min sighed and started talking.

'So what does my fiancee wanted to ask me?' 

Adria startled at the sudden voice. She peeked at him and when she saw him looking at her, she quickly bowed her head again while fumbling with her hands nervously. This cute action caused Huang min heart to melt. 

Only LIL knew the dark meaning behind her actions.

After Adria thought to have a talk with him, she was thinking of some really "good" words to speak to him about his rumors being a playboy.  At this moment her vicious thoughts could be seen right through if one took a look at her face. But fortunately or unfortunately she kept her head bowed down all this time so none could see her malicious thoughts. When Huang min called her, she peeked him without hiding the viciousness in her eyes, so she bowed down quickly to be not seen by him. She fumbled her hands nervously as she feared she might have been seen through by her lover. 

**Host, don't worry. Haven't you heard the saying  'Love makes people blind'? , your soulmate is also the same. All your actions were seen as cute from your lover's point of view**

*But that doesn't mean, I'm going to leave him easily!!*

LIL could only shake it's head at this couple's actions.

'M-min ge..' Adria started speaking in a delicate voice.

'What?' Huang min replied while looking at her with a gentle smile. Adria raised her head and looked at him.

'I-is it true that Huang min loves women the most? Are you really a jerk who likes to play with women? I have heard that people who are like this are no worse than a cat in heat, are you the same? I hate people like that, should I HATE YOU TOO, Min ge?' She asked all these questions with an innocent look on her face while stressing the words I hate you too. There was no signs of anger on her face. Her face looked so calm, that it scared Huang min. It was like the calm before the storm.

'Xiu'er I-its all a misunderstanding. I'm not such a cheap person. It's true that there were a lot of women sent to me but I swear on my name, I have never touched a single women other than you. I don't know if you will believe me or not, from my childhood I always had a dream about a woman, she always vanishes the moment I touch her. I have always been searching for that woman from my childhood, but people around me misunderstood that, as me playing around with women. I never cared for the rumors, so I didn't care what the spoke of me. After all those years, I finally found the women, I was searching for. It's you, Xiu'er. The moment I saw you in the banquet, I knew it was you who I was searching for years. My body, heart and my soul only belongs to you. If I had known that those rumors would make you think bad of me, I would have killed all those imbeciles who spread those stupid things about me.' His killing intent was leaking out of his body as he spoke the last line. 

Adria was not bothered by it, all she could do right now was, feeling relieved. She believes his words without any suspicions, she knows her lover, if he says it, then he means it!. While she was feeling happy , Huang min was getting more and more anxious. Adria has bowed her head again, so he didn't know if she believed him or not. The words " I HATE YOU TOO" that came from her mouth was like a curse for him. Like he had told before, he has finally found the love of his life after waiting for years. He can't afford to lose her just when he has met her. He got onto his knees, he didn't care about his pride. At this moment, all he could think about was how to make the girl before him believe in his words. He took her hands in his.

'Xiu'er whatever I told you now is the truth. I really love you Xiu'er. You mean the world to me, please believe me. I-' the words he wanted to tell was suddenly blocked when a soft petal like lips landed on his lips. He was stunned at first, he seemed to be not aware of what was happening and before he could get his thoughts straight, the soft sensation on his lips went away. He looked stunned at Adria. 

Adria's whole face flushed red, she got up and turned to leave. But she stopped midway, she turned back again and looked at the man who had a stupefied expression on his handsome face. It looked very funny that Adria started laughing. Her laugh made the man before her come to his senses. Adria looked at him deeply.

'I believe you, Min ge . Also... I love you too' She whispered the last words and ran away leaving the man stupefied again. For a long time, he stayed there on the same position with the same expression. He still couldn't believe that everything that happened was not a dream. He went back to the palace with a stunned expression on his face.

Adria was laughing crazily at LIL's description about her lover's action after she left him in the gazebo. Honestly, she never thought there would be a day where she would be head over heels for someone. When she was getting nostalgic, a voice came.

'Xiao xiu, are you in there?' It was Cheng qi.

'Yes jiejie, please come in.' 

Cheng qi pushed the door open and saw Cheng xiu sitting on the bed. She rushed to her side and pulled her into a hug.

'Xiao xiu, what should I do? I have been engaged to the third prince!!!' She bawled.

'What?!' Adria was quite shocked by the sudden news.

*LIL, why is the plot is getting derailed so much? It has become unpredictable!!*

**It might be a butterfly effect caused by you and Cheng qi's intervention in the plot host**

*I don't know if this is a good or bad thing, but I hope everything ends well.* Adria sighed,worried about what the future has in hold for her. 

A. N- Happy birthday to all the Army members out there💜💜💜🤭

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