ARC 1.6

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It's been six months since Adria started her company "LIAD TECHNOLOGIES" (A.N- LIL+ADRIA). She made many new gadgets with her modified blueprints. At first everyone thought that these gadgets are just a bluff but when they saw that they are 100% real working products, people begun to buy them quickly in fear of the gadgets going out of stock. And soon the gadgets did go out of stock. The other companies wanted to invest in her company but she didn't want to give out her company shares, after all she started this company so that her family will not go bankrupt in the future,and the only solution for that is to build a company without any shares from outside company. So instead of selling her company shares she proposed a deal with them.

'I will sell the blueprints of my gadgets to you in exchange of 40% of share, in whatever you get by selling my gadgets, if this is ok for you guys we can sign a contract' They accepted the deal since the gadgets are selling very quickly and 60% of profit is a very good deal for them. They all signed the contract with LIAD TECHNOLOGIES without any objection.

Now that her business has become stable, Adria had only one trouble left to take care of right now. That is, to find a way to get rid of this new doggy that always gets close to her whenever it gets a chance. The new doggy is none other than the male lead, JACE BYRON.

*LIL what is wrong with this male lead? (-_-)*

**Host......Isn't This Favorable For Your Plan To Get Close To Him?**

*No LIL......This is way too close...It's like he's there wherever I am!...wait!! He can't possibly be stalking me..right? Σ(O_O;) * Adria shivered at the thought of him stalking her.

**No Host, He Only Bribed Some Of Your People To Get Your Schedule (*'∇`*) **

*WHAT THE F**K? LIL you are supposed to inform me about these things sooner! Stupid system!(*>.<*) *

**H-H-Host, Since You Said You Wanted To Get Close To The Male Lead, I Thought This Would Be A Good Chance (。Ŏ_Ŏ) **

*I did say that I want to become close friends with him but this is way too close and why is he going to such ends such as bribing people to know about my schedule? ¯\(°_o)/¯ * As Adria was talking with her system her secretary knocked on her office door.

'Miss.Joannes, Mr.Byron is here to meet you'

'Ugggghhhhh...speak of the devil, let him in'

'Good morning Ria' Jace said with a light smirk.

'I didn't know that the business emperor has so much free time in his busy schedule'.

'I will always have time to pay a visit to my neighbour, who is also my best friend ~(^з^)-♡ '(and my future wife) Jace said leaving the last part.

'My brother is also your best friend, but why are you not visiting him daily?'

'He is not as close as you..both in distance and in relationship ^o^' he replied ambiguously.

'ugghhh...I can't win you in a conversation but seriously why are you always there wherever I go?(~_^) '

'Maybe our fates are linked? ;-) 'Jace replied with a mischievous smile.

'Fate? is it? ~_~ ' Adria said as she thought of something.

'Then how do you explain bribing my workers to get my schedule? (~_^)'Adria asked him.

'W-W-Who said I bribed your workers? (*>.<*) ' Jace replied while looking flustered.

( My thoughts are straying from the topic...curse his good looks 〒_〒)Adria thought as she was enjoying making Jace all flustered.

'Don't try to lie...I hate people who lie to tell me the real reason(︶︹︺) ' saying this she glared at him.

'(sighs)Fine...I did bribe your people to know your schedule and I'm sorry for lying to you ╯﹏╰, however for the reason, I will explain it to you tonight, Let's meet at the Crux hotel tonight ' saying this he dashed out not waiting for her reply.

(Is he......Is he...mad?)

*LIL, What is even going inside that brain of his? ︶︿︶*

**Host, I Don't Have The Function To Read People's Mind ●︿● **

*Forget it! I keep on forgetting that you are a dumb systemT_T *

**Host!!! (╥﹏╥)**

*LIL, What is the female lead doing now?*

**Host, She Is Meeting With The Second Male Lead Ryne Mills, Who Is The Project Manager Of The Male Lead's Company.... In The Plot Line The Second Male Lead Helps The Female Lead To Enter The Company....He Too Falls In Love With Her, But When He Knew She Was Interested In Someone Else....He Hides His Feelings And Protects Her From The Sidelines.....But This Is Weird Host...Both Of Them Are Whispering To Each Other? They Are Looking Suspicious**

*HMMM... LIL when was the female lead supposed to work at Jace company?*

**Four And A Half Months From Now Host.**


**Σ (゚Д゚;) Wait Host, She Wasn't Supposed To Meet The Second Male Lead Yet**


*Haha haha....Finally the game has became interesting (*'▽'*)♪ * Adria smirked.

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