ARC 2.10

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It was a beautiful place. The trees were filled with beautiful cherry blossoms and the breeze was very gentle. It was very peaceful and calm. Below the cherry blossom tree, a slender figure in a lilac hanfu could be seen. That slender figure was a girl, she was sitting below the tree while keeping her head bowed down as she was petting a black and white magpie which was sitting obediently on her lap.

 A man walked towards her. He wore a white hanfu which has patterns made in lilac colour . He sat beside her. He couldn't see her face, so he pinched her chin with his fingers to make her see him. He knew very well what is going to happen next. Since this is not the first time, he had this dream. From his childhood he had always dreamed this dream. Every time he tried to see her face, she would vanish into thin .As he raised her chin, he knew she was going to vanish just like other times. Yet, he can't stop himself from wanting to see her face. But to his surprise, she didn't vanish this time. He saw her beautiful face. He gently caressed her face.

'I finally got to see you.' He whispered.

He woke up from his dream. He remembered the face he saw in his dreams. He new that face very well due to the commotion that happened at the banquet.

'Cheng xiu.' He whispered gently with a smile on his face.

On the other side, 

Cheng xiu was getting pampered by her family. Right now, She was sitting under the gazebo that was situated in the White lotus pond. She liked this place since it always made her mind calm. 

**Host, I have a doubt!**

*What is it, LIL?*

**Host, Yesterday you have clearly made up with your parents, but the hidden mission status shows that the mission is still incomplete. **

 *It's true, the mission is not completed. Until, I remove the guilt from their heart, the mission can't be considered completed. *

**What? Host, then why did you increase their guilt yesterday!!** LIL whined while blaming it's host.

*As I have told you before, the guilt they are feeling now is what they deserve for not taking care of Cheng xiu. I can't make their guilt go away that easily just to finish my missions without trouble.*

**Wow, LIL is so proud of you host!!** LIL jumped up and down in adoration.

They were having a peaceful time together, when a servant came running.

'Young miss, the duke asked for your presence at the main hall' the servant bowed respectfully .

'Tell father, I'll be there in a moment.' Adria waved her hand dismissing the servant.

The servant bowed once again before leaving. All the servants in the duke's house didn't dare to provoke this young lady. The screams from the other day is still haunting them in their dreams.

Adria dressed up a little, she was more or less sure that there must be a guest, since her father wouldn't disturb her peaceful time for something trivial.

She slowly walked to the main hall. She didn't know why but her heart was beating very fast. She was even feeling anxious. She entered the hall and greeted her father.

'Good afternoon, Father'

'Good afternoon, Xiuxiu' the duke gazed lovingly at his daughter. The sweet moment between the daughter and her father was interrupted by a sudden cough. The duke's face had an annoying look but it went away in a flash like it never existed. 

'Ahh Xiuxiu, I wanted you to introduce you to his highness, Huang min, he is the second prince of our nation and.....he is also your fiance.' He emphasized the word 'fiance'.

Adria showed a shocking face at duke's words. She looked at the person who suddenly became her fiance. She saw a man who looked like the epitome of gentleness and elegance, but she could also sense that this man was much stronger than how he looks. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw him smiling at her. The man slowly stood from the chair he was sitting in and walked towards her. For every step he took, her heart beat increased a bit. She felt a tingle in her soul. Her heart was throbbing for the man who was walking towards her. She felt this man was very familiar to her. She suddenly thought of someone. 

'J-Jace?' Her voice was very low so no one heard what she said.

*L-LIL, this...this man!!! Tell me who he is!* Her voice quivered terribly when she spoke with LIL.

**Host,as your father said this man is the second prince of the nation. He is well known for two things----** LIL was giving the reports diligently when Adria cut off his speech.

*NOT that!!!! Tell me about his soul!!! I-Is he Jace?* Her voice sounded like sobbing.

**H-Host, control yourself. I don't have functions to see through people's soul . Also there is no way Jace soul's could travel here. Don't----** LIL's speech was again interrupted.

*T-The compatibility meter!!! Check that! I'm sure he is Jace!!! I can feel it!!* Adria spoke hysterically.

LIL checked the meter and stayed silent. Adria feared for the worse.

*L-LIL, what is it? Tell me!! Is he not--* now Adria's speech was interrupted.

**He is indeed, your soulmate host!!** LIL shouted, with a voice which held confusion but also excitement.

*H-He kept his promise!!!* Adria broke down crying.

Outside the duke and Huang min saw Cheng xiu showing a very sad look which then turned to despair then again turning back to relief. But before they could question her, Adria's body swayed a little and begun to fall. Huang min rushed to her side and caught her falling body quickly.

'You kept your promise' Adria whispered lightly while smiling at him before closing her eyes.

Huang min couldn't hear what she said and before he could comprehend it, he saw her closing her eyes. He became worried and called out her name, but he didn't get any response. His heart became anxious.

'Xiu'er!! Xiu'er!! ' Huang min called out to her again.

'Call the physician, quickly' Duke Cheng mo ordered the servants. He was also anxious for his Daughter.

( Xiu'er , I found you after waiting for ages . I can't lose you so easily. I-I can't lose you again!) He didn't know why he thought "again" but he doesn't care about it. Right now, all he could worry about was his Xiu'er who fainted so suddenly after seeing him.


Can you guys guess what are the two things he is famous for???

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Can you guys guess what are the two things he is famous for???

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