Chapter 4

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"Wake up."

Danny flinched at the harsh, but understandable tone. Just like Batman had mentioned, he really didn't know what that weird gas (Joker gas they said?) would actually affect him. He was pretty sure it worked like other times he was poisoned, but he didn't want to just sit and find out.

He was still in the Batmobile, but it had stopped moving. The roof had been opened and Batman was already out of the vehicle right next to Danny's side.

"You need to stay awake." Batman berated again.

'Jeez so demanding.' Danny bitterly thought as he yawned again. His long flight from before did not help in the slightest.

Still, he wasn't willing to anger the guy who guarded the city. Danny liked the hero, but he wouldn't deny he had never wanted to meet him. Catwoman had been right, after all, he had a reputation. World's Greatest Detective. His parents weren't the most observing people, but Batman would probably see right through his identity in a second if he wasn't careful. Which is exactly what he was being, not careful.

"Can you walk?" Batman asked.

Danny nodded, clambering out of the tank of a vehicle before falling flat on his face. He could sense Batman getting closer, but before the hero could touch him Danny kicked in his flight. Righting himself, he gave Batman what he hoped was an encouraging smile before his flight flickered out. This time Batman did catch him.

"It appears whatever abilities you have are being affected. It would be best if you didn't use them for now in case they end up hurting you."

Danny huffed. "You sound like a parent." He grumbled.

Well, would you look at that? His filter is still gone. He needs to shut up. He did notice Batman stiffen just the slightest amount at that though. Hmm. Maybe he really did know something.

"How is he doing B?" Another voice rings out before Danny can dig his grave (heh) further.

"Struggling to remain conscious and slightly delirious." Batman ignored the offended noise Danny made. "Do you have any medical supplies at the ready?"

It was Red Robin's turn to look offended. "Of course. It's Joker gas."

Batman responded with a hum as he carried the teenager into the safe house.

"e-er, what exactly do these medical supplies include?"

"We need to make sure the venom isn't affecting you negatively. It's possible we'll need to flush it out of your system with the antidote. It should have already paralyzed you by now."

"...and by flushing you mean needles?"

Batman raised an eyebrow at Danny. The teenager looked more awake now and much more nervous than before. Trauma? He recalled how the kid, if their theory of his origins were correct, should not be in possession of the meta-gene. Less...pleasant measures would have to be taken to give him such abilities.

"Injecting directly it into the bloodstream would cause it to work more effectively." He answered, paying extra care to gauge the teenager's reaction.

He got one. The kid disappeared from his arms. Literally. He felt the weight leave him as the kid vanished from sight.

"Yeah nope! Not getting injected with anything no offense." He heard him say, the voice coming from behind him.

Batman wasn't sure how he managed to get there, but he was filing 'possible teleportation' under suspected abilities. Danny looked cautious as Batman looked at him. Using that small amount of power didn't seem to be doing any favors. The kid would have fallen over if he hadn't been slightly hovering above the ground, but the glow that surrounds him was flickering slightly.

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