Chapter 17

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Alfred Pennyworth was a very nice British man.

That was something that Danny decided after ten minutes. The man was just so nice. Sure it might be a trick and Danny might be walking into a trap. However! He was too tired and that sofa that the fancy man was leading him to looked really comfortable. So can anyone blame him if he collapsed on it as if his core depended on it? No, no they couldn't.

He only closed his eyes for a second, but it felt like he could keep them closed for hours with how tired he was.

"Are you injured, young sir?"

The moment was over he supposed. Danny peeked his eye open to see that the polite man from earlier was standing over him just a little ways away with a mildly concerned look on his face.

"No...just tired. I kinda spent a bit of energy to get here." Danny muttered, sitting up to try and avoid being rude. Dang, how much energy did that teleport take out of him? He was exhausted....but seeing as how he was definitely not in the ghost zone anymore, that really wasn't surprising.


Did he just portal himself to another dimension?...

That was a question for future Danny. If Clockwork needed to intervene, he would. Hopefully.

"Is there any specific reason that you chose to visit this manor?" The kind man, Mr. Pennyworth asked.

"Er....It's a long story really." Was the first thing out of Danny's mouth. He wasn't sure why he worded it like that, but he did and now he had dug his metaphorical grave. Sure he could have just said that it was an accident...but who accidentally portals into someone's bushes? Idiots and amateurs that's who.

"If you are looking for an open ear, I can be a good listener if there is a need for it"

"Well, it's kinda hard to explain", Danny sighs. Should he really info dump on this guy he doesn't even know? Well...Alfred has been really nice and it's not like he'll ever meet him again so...why not? He could use someone who just listens so he can get it out.

"Ok, so I found out something recently...a lot of things really. I know that a lot of the stress is my fault but at the same time, it doesn't make it any know, stressful. To add to that, I found out that apparently, I'm going to be expected to do something that...I don't think I can do it. Not good anyway."

"I did something a long time ago. I was in a battle. But...I guess it wasn't all that long ago but it feels like it sometimes. What I didn't know was that by fighting and winning that battle...I am now expected to do a job that is really really important. A lot of people are going to be depending on me to be making a lot of decisions. Important ones. Ones that could put a lot of those same people in danger if I mess it up."

Alfred nods along, taking a sip of tea...When did he even get that set up? There's a whole tea set and everything. It's almost like the tea and sandwiches appeared out of thin air. Weird.

"So you have a lot of responsibility? And you do not want it?"

Another sigh comes from Danny. "Never. I wish I could say I wouldn't have fought if I knew this would be the result, but the truth is that I would have done it anyway. A lot of people were on the line then. People I care about. But now...I guess I just don't feel like I would do a good job. I'm barely holding on with the responsibilities I have now."

"And you cannot refuse?"

Danny shakes his head, taking a sip from the cup he doesn't remember grabbing.

"Nope...I asked too. I was the one who won the fight, so I can't just give the job away I guess you could say. Not unless someone fights me and wins. The problem is that as much as I don't want this...I also don't know anyone else I would trust enough to take it. Or anyone I would want to burden it with. Everyone I know that I think would do better already has a ton of responsibilities of their own."

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