Chapter 15

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*ring* *ring* *ring* *ring*

The stupid ringing finally turned off with a small bang as Danny shot a laser at his alarm clock, groaning into his pillow. He didn't want to go to school. He wanted to snuggle back into the warmth of his pillow and forget that school even existed in the first place. But, that wasn't a possibility. Not with what he thinks was a quiz today. There were too many absent marks on his record, and he needed to save up as many as he could for the ghost fights that would interrupt his day.

He hadn't even changed out of his day clothes the night before, but he didn't care enough to change them. They were clean enough. Right now he should try and get some breakfast before it came to life and tried to bite him back.

He wasn't even three steps down the stairs when he sniffed the air and stopped at the scent of what he thinks is scrambled eggs. That....was weird. He cautiously approached the rest of the way, peeking around the corner to see someone making eggs for breakfast.


The woman turned around, green eyes lighting up at the sight of her son.

"Good morning Alan! Already up? I was worried you were going to skip breakfast again this morning. I'm glad that wasn't the case." Said the black-haired woman as she smiled at him gently.

His eyes widened....something...was not right with this scene...


"Mom! Have you seen my notebooks?" Jazz interrupted, brushing past Danny without a care.

Selina shook her head, prepping the table for four. "Have you checked the study?"

"Yes.....maybe the corner?" Jazz wondered.

"Well, sit down for breakfast first alright dear? After that, if you still can't remember then we'll look for them together." Selina smiled at Jazz, guiding her to a certain spot at the table before turning to Danny again. He was still frozen at his place in the doorway.

"Alan? Are you alright kitten? You look a little pale."

"Huh? ...nothing..." He said, but his voice sounded quiet.

"Don't push yourself, dear. I know you've been busy lately." She said to him, gently putting a hand on his head to ruffle his black hair just a bit. Black hair, just like hers. "Would you mind getting your dad real quick? I would hate for him to skip breakfast. I swear you two are so similar like that. Always running off to be heroes." She smiled at him again, teasing him before turning back to Jazz and putting the last of the food on the table. Wha-

"Sure mom."

Despite his confusion, his body seemed to act on autopilot, turning down the hall that was a lot longer than it should be. Turning down the corner, he came to a stop outside a door. The warm light was pouring from the crack, and along with it was a gentle tune that Danny instantly recognized. It was a secret song. Just between the two of them. No one else knew it.

His hand was on the door, opening it slowly.

On the other side was a room that did not fit in his house. It didn't match at all, instead being what looked like a small library of some kind. For some reason, Danny couldn't focus on anything before his head hurt. Everything was blurry as if submerged underwater. In the middle of the room though, a man with black hair was playing the piano as he sang to himself in a voice so quiet, it could be considered a whisper.

Danny knew those words.

The man was facing away from Danny, dressed in a fancy suit. His voice was quiet, and not at all rough like it usually is. Not like when they first met. Instead, it was smooth as he sang on.

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