Chapter 6

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The journey to Catwoman's apartment was awkward at best and a little painful at worst. Danny supposed he shouldn't complain. Her reaction to his indifference could have been a lot worse than offering him meals and someplace to stay. She could have gotten upset. Yelled at him. Gotten offended that he didn't want her as a mom. She didn't though. Instead, she offered to house him while he was there during the weekend.

It also could be worse in that Danny should not be capable of speaking right now, let alone flying next to Catwoman as she jumped across the rooftops. (He offered to carry her, but she wouldn't let him.) The last time he got poisoned was by some ghost snake, and it had knocked him off his feet for at least a day. It had barely grazed him. This time he had inhaled who knows how much Joker Venom, which was infamous for being hard to cure and very deadly. He shouldn't be able to fly, but he was. He felt fine too. Maybe a little tired, but it didn't feel any different than when he pulled an all-nighter or two because he was fighting ghosts. Maybe Joker's venom wasn't as potent to ghosts in general?

"Do you always fly everywhere?"

Danny paused to look down at Catwoman, who only looked back at him amused. ....Did he hear a challenge in her voice?

"I mean, wouldn't you fly everywhere if you could?" He questioned back, trying to hide a smile. It didn't sound accusatory when she asked, so he didn't take offense. And maybe he showed off a little by flying backwards with his hands behind his head to prove a point...maybe.

"Perhaps," She smiled. "but I quite like my version of 'flying' across the rooftops. Fits my theme a bit more you know? Being a cat and all~ I prefer my feet on the ground~"

"I think flying fits my own theme pretty well." He snarked but paused when he saw her try and hide her frown. Right, ghost. Dead guy. People typically don't like being reminded about that. Though, Batman and Catwoman didn't seem to mind that he was a ghost more than they just didn't like the idea that he was dead. Not that he actually was dead, but they didn't know that. He implied he was completely unalive after all.

Still, he hadn't meant to bring down the mood like that. Sure it was awkward before, but he didn't want to contribute to it. So he dropped down to run beside her nervously.

"Um, how do you jump across like that? Does it feel like flying?"

She seemed taken back at his implication, coming to a stop on one of the rooftops. "Oh, I didn't mean you couldn't fly kid. Batman gave you permission to use your abilities here as long as you didn't interfere with police work. I don't mind if you continue to fly."

Danny waved his hand dismissively. "Nah it's fine, I can always fly later. I just wanted to try it out in Gotham style. After all, 'when in Rome, do as the Romans do' right? If I trip or something, I can always go back to flying if that makes you feel better. Not like I can fall off the roof."

She shoots him a grateful smile. "How fast a learner are you?"

Nope, he did not just flashback to a whole year of having to learn on the go with no mentor or supervision. Or of having no experience as he had to fight off ghosts, tyrants, and crazy fruitloops trying to marry his mom and kill his dad. Not at all.

"Pretty good I would say."

"Think you could watch me and learn on the go? Or do you need a tutorial? It's not as easy as the rest of us makes it look you know."

"On the go. Bet I could keep up with you too."

"Suit yourself." She sends him a playful but challenging look. "Let's test that."

With no other warning, she takes off, expertly kicking off against the ledge of the roof and landing perfectly on the next building. Without missing a beat she continues running, only barely glancing behind her to make sure he was following. Danny snickered at her surprise when she saw that not only had he read her challenging glance earlier, taking off a split second after her, but he was just barely behind her. He used his mom's (Maddie's) martial arts as a compass on what to do as he jumped and kicked off several buildings.

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