Chapter 8

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Danny groaned, trying to go back to sleep. He didn't know why he kept waking up last night, but his body sure was making him regret it. He didn't want to wake up. That meant he would have to prepare for the inevitable daily ghost fight, and he didn't feel like fighting his ecto-contaminated breakfast right now. Maybe he could call Tucker and Sam for an emergency food run to the Nasty Burger? Seemed like a safer option. He remembers eating the last of the cereal two days ago.

A scratching noise interrupts his thoughts.

Sighing, he sat up. What did his parents invent this time? Or maybe it was a ghost animal that got through the portal again. His eyes blinked open, blearily looking around the room before they narrow in confusion. Where.....was he? This wasn't his room.

It takes him a few moments for the memories to come back to him.

That's right, those are her cats still scratching at the door. Do those things ever sleep? This is why he's a dog person.

Wait...what time was it?

One look at the clock made him immediately throw the covers off, only to lose his balance, get tangled in the blanket, and crash to the floor in his panicked frenzy.

He slept in! He missed his check-up call! Jazz was going to straight up murder him for this! She probably thinks he's gotten himself killed...which to be fair he kinda almost did? He continued to wrestle with the blanket before remembering his intangibility.

Letting the blanket fall through him, he catches himself in the mirror before he can throw the door open. He must have de-transformed in his sleep because messy black hair and panicked blue eyes greeted him back. Hastily he transformed back into his ghost persona before phasing through the door to avoid the cats that immediately attempted to latch onto him in anger.

He barely acknowledges the feminine voice having a conversation coming from the kitchen, instead choosing to dive bomb to where he had accidentally left his backpack on the couch the night before. More fumbling around rewarded him with his phone, which was still buzzing from what Danny knew for certain was a mixture of concerned texts, missed calls, and death threats.

He clicked the first number he saw.

"I swear if the boo-merang hits my head I'm digging all of your graves." He hissed into the phone, finally taking a chance to rub the dust from his eyes.


Danny winced as he pulled the phone away from his ear. Whoops, he thought he had tapped Tucker's number. Clearly he didn't as his sister's angry voice continued to rant over his speaker. Dang it.

"I'm fine Jazz. I just slept in. It was a long night you know?, had to find a place to stay?" Another wince, but this time it was from cringing. Oh, the cats caught up to him now too, joy.

"Daniel James Fenton you better tell me what really happened or I swear I'm driving to Gotham right this second and dragging you back here myself." Jazz replied. "And don't you dare lie, I'll know if you do."

"...Ok I know you said not to go to Crime Alley, AND I didn't! But um....I still kinda somehow got involved in a Bat shake-down?....I think? I found Batman faster than I thought I would though! But um...I kinda got poisoned? So...I must have accidentally slept in to recover from its effects that's all."


Not good.

He prepared his ears just in time for the banshee screeching that erupted from his phone. Yeah, maybe he should have told it to her with a little more tact than that.

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