Chapter 16

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Danny grumbled under his breath as yet another sneeze interrupted his day.


Without even having to glance at him, Danny reached out and grabbed the tissue out of Tucker's hand. These sneezing fests that had started in Gotham had only been getting worse, but that was literally all it was: sneezing. No coughing, aches, or chills that usually came with being sick. Just sneezing.

"Since when do you carry around tissues?" Danny asked.

"Since you got back from Gotham," came Tucker's response. "Don't think you noticed with how knocked out you were, but you sneezed like five times when you got back. I figured that traveling all the way there and back might have messed with your immune system or something. Just thought I would be prepared."

Danny hummed as the two of them walked down the street. Classes were thankfully over for the day and he had to figure out what he was going to write for that project. Couldn't exactly put in that his parents were famous. Not only would it be dangerous, but nobody would even believe him. So he would just have to improvise with whatever Fenton lore he could scrounge up. Joy.

"How is getting to know the family going?" Tucker said, interrupting the comfortable silence that had befallen the two best friends.

It took a minute for Danny to respond. "Good...I don't know what to send most days. It's mostly just small talk and 'how are you?' and stuff like that. D sends a lot of jokes though, and sometimes Catwoman will send me pics of the stray cats that stay in her apartment."

This time it was Tucker who hummed. "Still, a lot better than what you were doing two days ago. Can't believe it's almost been a week since you found out know. The big guy."

Danny tries not to wince. Despite keeping in strained contact with Selina and Dick, he hadn't heard a word from Batman. Not that he was expecting to, considering Batman suspected he was a demon and all. had been five days and nothing. Not even to ask about the thermos he left behind.

He had, however, heard back from Red Hood asking how the whole parasite thing was going. He...hadn't responded to that one yet. How could he? He still hadn't managed to get to the Far Frozen after all and what was he supposed to say to the drug lord who has literally murdered people? 'sorry, didn't work out.'

Especially if Valerie turned out to be right and it actually was Dick who was Red Hood. He couldn't just let him down like that after just finding him again. That was apparently his older brother who was being possessed by corrupted gunk. To say he hoped Valerie was wrong with that theory was an understatement.

They were so close to Tucker's house when he felt another sneezing coming. Pausing a bit, he made sure to grab another tissue from Tucker before sneezing into it.

"I swear if I sneeze one more time I'll-"

Danny paused, looking wide-eyed at his surroundings....he wasn't on this street a second ago.


Nothing. The street he was previously on was gone and so was his best friend. If Danny was reading his surroundings correctly, he was at least six blocks away from where he had been before and he hadn't taken a step.

"Uh oh." He whispered, whipping out his phone to see multiple concerned texts from Tucker.

Another sneeze cuts him off before he can type out a response. This time when he opens his eyes, he's only a street away from his house.

Big uh oh.

Immediately he calls Tucker.

"Dude before you say anything I need to get this out before another sneeze hits because I think I'm getting another one."

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