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Tiana's House
                                           (Didn't proof read)

Tiana groaned as she heard the annoying sound of her alarm go off . She layed in a behind for about a minute after her alarm went off but quickly got up when she realized she was playing a dangerous game .

She walked over to her bathroom and turned the water on in her shower . She tiredly walked over to her drawer and got out her shower cap .

Taking off of her pajamas she walked over to shower began to bathe herself in Dove's original body wash.

After washing her body 2 more times she stepped out of the shower and wrapped her pink towel around her .

Tiana walked over to her vanity chair and began to lotion her body, when she finished putting lotion on her body she grabbed her clothes she decided on to wear out of her closet .

She put on her outfit and made her way back to her vanity to fix her hair . After fixing her hair she then put on her accessories.

As she was about to pick up her book bag she heard her phone ding causing her to pick it up .

Shit Talking Negros

let us see what you working with girlll

 Amir🤞🏾only you would dress up uniform, but you fresh

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only you would dress up uniform, but you fresh

you hard

you look tf good !!!

Thank y'all💙

Be good today, so you can come back soon

Tiana hearted Symone's message and put her bookbag on her right shoulder. 

She walked down the stairs seeing her dad and stepmom in the kitchen.

"Goodmorning." Her dad said

Tiana walked over to the pantry to look for something to eat ignoring what her dad said.

"Are you just gonna ignore us?" Her stepmom,Sonya said .

Tiana looked back at her dad and told her dad goodmorning before flashing a fake smiling then Turing back around.

Tiana grabbed some chips ,some lil bites and fruit snacks to eat for lunch and then made her way to the refrigerator.

When she got to the refrigerator she grabbed a bagel and some juice to bring with her to school and then put her bagel in the toaster.

While she waited for her bagel to toast she put her snacks for school in her pink Nike book bag and then got out the strawberry cream cheese.

"So Tiana, are you excited to start your new school?"

Tiana blankly stared at her dad, "why would I be excited to go to an alternative school?"

"Well you brought this on yourself sweetheart." Sonya bumped in .

Tiana grabbed her bagel out of the toaster, "don't you think I know that and how about you stay out of it I'm not your child so I'm not your problem."

"Tiana watch yourself." Her dad spoke .

Tiana scoffed and continued to spread the cream cheese onto her bagel.

Tiana walked to the couch and ate her breakfast watching the show All American on the tv since a new episode was coming out tonight.

Finishing up her breakfast Tiana's dad and stepmom said their goodbye's and then left for work.

It was now 7:15 and Tiana's bus came at 7:30. She sat on the couch scrolling on her phone before gathering her things so she can head out to the bus .

Tiana walked to the bus stop and waited until the bus finally arrived.


Turning Points Academy

Tiana walked off of the bus and walked over to crowd of kids that were waiting to get checked in.

As she went up the line she saw that people were getting checked with the security wands once they got to the front .

Once she made it to the front and older black lady was standing there.

"Do you not have an id?"


"So why didn't you say anything."

"Because I didn't know, it's my first day."

"You should've asked someone what to do if you didn't know what to do."

Tiana felt as if the lady was giving her an attitude at this point and Tiana wasn't going for it .

"Are you gonna tell me what I should do or are you just going to keep getting slick with me. I already told you it's my first day and I didn't know what to do. Either you tell me what I should do or I'll walk off campus."

The lady looked like she wanted to say something back but instead to kept it to herself. She called another lady over and explained that it was Tiana first day.

"Alright you can come with me." The older white women said leading Tiana to an office.

Walking Tiana inside of a room she told her to wait in the chair and the principal will be in there shortly.

After about a 5 minute wait she heard a voice say , "Ms.Dianels." Tiana turned around seeing an average height black women in a black pantsuit with her hair in a short bob.

"Hello." Tiana greeted her turning off her phone.

"So todays your first day correct." The lady started off sitting down in her chair.


"Ok so here's your schedule and your id card. And here's your schedule. I'll walk you to your first class. Any questions?"

Tiana shook her head no and they walked out of the office and onto Tiana's first class Reading.

Knocking on the door a short Hispanic lady opened it . "Hello Principal" she spoke with her heavy accent.

"Mrs.Rayas, this is Tiana Daniels. We don't have an estimate of how long she'll be in your class but this is your new student."

The two said their hellos and nice to meet you's and eventually Tiana made her way inside the classroom .

"You can have a seat at the back table Tiana." Tiana nodded and made her way to the back table .

At the table sat 2 girls. She did a little wave trying not be rude but scrunched up her face when one of them didn't wave back .

She just brushed it off until the girl who didn't wave back said . "Ion know you girl don't wave at me the fuck."

Tiana looked up from her phone in confusion, "people can't have human decency now? What's wrong with waving ? I was tryna be nice you bald bitch."

As the girl got up Tiana got up as well putting her purse down , as soon as Tiana was about to swing she felt a force pull her back.

I've never been to an alternative school so I don't know how it works. I tried my best lmaoo


I hated this chapter too but ..

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