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Turning Points Academy

"Tiana Andrews!"

Tiana walked into the office that was connected to the locker room.

"What size shirt and pants?"

"Small for both."

"Ok here you are, you can go change in the bathroom stall over there and go meet everybody in the gym."

Tiana walked over to the stalls irritated that she even had to do gym. While she was here they told her she had to continue to earn her physical education credit.

Tiana put on the ugly shirt and ugly shorts putting her normal clothes into the locker than had given her.

Walking out of the girls locker room and into the gym she saw Jaleel and Yara walking to the gym as well.

"Hey T, I didn't know you had gym this period."

"Well here I am."

The three walked together into the gym and found a spot on the bleachers to sit.

After Tiana tuned out while Yara and Jaleel talked she snapped outta her daze when she heard Yara speak.

"Sorry about the other day when I didn't speak I'm just shy, but I'm Yara."

"Oh it's fine I get it, im Tiana."

"So if you don't mind, why are you here?"

"Fighting and disrespecting staff." Tiana answered putting air quotes around disrespecting.

Tiana felt like it wasn't disrespectful if they were talking to her crazy first. Staff always wanted respect but never gave it.


The three of them continued their conversation getting to know each other before their gym teacher came.

Their gym teacher told them that today would be free play and that they'd be able to do whatever they'd like . That ranged from playing basketball, volleyball or just sitting down talking with friends.

"I'm gone go play basketball, y'all wanna come?"

Tiana nodded her head yes and stood up to make her way down the bleachers. Yara declined the offer and made her way down the bleachers to talk to her therapist.

"So you ever played basketball?"

"Yeah I used to play with my big brother"

"We're you any good?" He asked bouncing the ball on the gym floor.

"Not really but I was young so." She said shrugging her shoulders

"Alright come on we gone play 1 v 1"

"Damn I can't believe you beat me." Jaleel said wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"I guess I got good over the years." Tiana chuckled.

"You said your brother taught you how to play?"

"Yeah, he always had a love for basketball, now he plays on a collegiate level."

"You ever thought about playing?" He asked looking over at Tiana.

"Me playing basketball? Nah, I'm not even that good to be on a team."

"What? You are really good T, I think when you go back to your regular school that you should try out."

"If I ever go back." She spoke mumbling.

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