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Tiana's House
2 weeks later

Tiana sat in her art class putting the finishing touches on her painting. Tiana kept it simple and just drew and painted a flower.

When Tiana finished her painting she got on her phone for a few until her teacher came up to her handing her a piece of paper.

The piece of paper was a pass to her therapist office. Tiana took the paper and crumbled it up in her pocket and left out the classroom door.

Tiana had already made her in mind that she wasn't going so she started to walk around the school.

Once Tiana walked up the stairs she ran into Yara.

"Hey Tiana"

"Hey Yara"

"What you doing walking around?"

"I'm supposed to be going to therapy but I'm not going. Where you going?"

"I just came from the bathroom." She said holding up the blue pass. "Why you not going to therapy if you don't mind me asking?"

In all honesty Tiana hadn't been to therapy in two weeks. After that day when she finally told Mrs.Davis what happened she hadn't been back.

"Well.. I don't feel comfortable telling her my business."

"I get it when I first got here I did not wanna talk to anybody about my problems. I've always grew up keeping my problems to myself but once I finally started talking to her it made life so much better. Of course life's not perfect but talking to somebody and have coping mechanisms really helps."

Tiana nodded her head understandably as Yara finished, "I'm not gonna tell you that you should talk to her because it's your decision but I'm just telling you it might make things better but only if you try and actually want to."

"Thank you Yara"

Yara gave Tiana a small smile before walking off as Tiana walked the other way . Tiana stood in the stairwell contemplating whether she should go to therapy or not .

Eventually she just walked down the stairs walking the halls until her next class.

Tiana was now home and was sitting down at her vanity taking trying to figure out what hairstyle she wanted to do on her freshly washed and blow dried hair.

As she decided on a top knot bun she heard someone walking up the stairs.

"Tiana!" She heard her dad saying causing her to roll her eyes.

"Tiana!" Her dad said swinging her door open.

"why are you barging in my room?"

"Tiana why the hell haven't you been to therapy in two weeks?"

Without turning around Tiana answered, "because I don't want to?"

"Tiana why?"

"Because like I said I don't want to ."

"That's not a good enough reason."

"I don't care man . Please leave it alone I'll go back when I want to ."

Tiana's dad shook his head and walked out of her room without saying a word.

Tiana just chuckled to herself and shook her head going back to doing her hair.


It was now the next day Thursday in the morning and Tiana was laying in her bed watching All American.

Tiana didn't go to school today because she missed the bus and there's not school tomorrow so she had a 4 day weekend.

Tiana paused her show when she heard her phone start ringing. She looked down seeing it was Symone.


"Hey girl, how are you?"

"I'm good girl, you?"

"I'm good but I was calling to ask if you wanted to come out with me, my homegirl and my cousin tomorrow since there's no school."

Tiana thought about it for second and responded,"yeah sure, where we going?"

"Somebody having a beach party."

"Ok well yeah I'll go .Send the details and I'll make sure I'm there."

"Ok girl, see you then."

after hanging up the phone Tiana turned her show back on and continued watching it.

I was gonna write more but idkk😭

Not my book got 1k reads,thank you 🥹

The next chapter will be longer loll

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