Chapter 6 - A Total Fake Out

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Location: The Corrupted Green Hill Zones - Connex's Dimension (Formerly Lord X's, due to him stealing her dimension instead of creating his own world.)

Date: ??/??/????

Time: ??:?? ??

Y/n's POV

Journal Entry #1:

It's been exactly 5 days ever since me and my three friends, Blue, Sunky and Connex have defeated Lord X and Majin Sonic, thanks to my new power that almost killed me, but at least my friends were there to help me out to get Connex back her own dimension that she created from Lord X, which he should've just created himself a universe of his own instead of taking someone else's and rebranding it as his own.

With those two exes gone and Connex reclaimed her own dimension, we've all decided to stay put for a while until we can figure out a way to get to the next world before another Sonic.exe entity arrives. Whether they wanted to help me and my friends or identify themselves as an enemy and try to either kill me or make me as one of them to help them take over the real world that I live in before I was taken into their world while I was asleep in my own apartment after I played through the cursed disc on my laptop.

Luckily, my friends are there to protect me whatever there's trouble afoot, so I asked them if they teach me how to defend myself from any Sonic.exe related entity that we may come across in our adventure and how to put my newfound powers into good use, which they all agreed to help me by doing some intense training and exercises and help me practice my powers so that I don't mess up like how I almost died from that whole "giant hand in my mouth" incident.

So, I started my training exercises with some push-ups, sit-ups, squats and some running around in Connex's world and took some breaks with some fresh water that Connex managed to get for me to drink out of since most of the water in her world is all red, meaning it's completely contaminated with who knows what's inside the blood-colored water.

As for food, it was a bit tough to find something to eat, but we managed to snag a few berries and nuts that are safe to eat and captured a few animals to cook and eat to put some meat on our bones.

After a few sessions of my intense training regimen along with getting some practicing done on my newfound powers thanks to my friends, Blue, Sunky and Connex, I lost all of my puppy fat and gained some muscles on my body and I am ready to take on anyone I meet as long as I stick to my training regimen in case if I face off against a new opponent and/or gained a new power during our adventure.

Then while I was busy doing my standard exercises, Sunky.mpeg came up to me and he seemed to have found a bag filled with red colored rings that was carefully hidden in an old tree stump. If I remembered correctly from the Sonic Movie that Sonic was given a bag of rings from his surrogate mother named Longclaw after she opened a portal for him to escape into the real world to get away from the Echidna Tribe and the rings have the power to take you where you need to as long as you follow the directions on how to use these rings to take you somewhere you need to go.

Sunky must've found it after I defeated Lord X on my last battle with him before I threw him out of Connex's world with my giant hand. Connex even told me that she saw a glowing red eye with a slit yellow pupil in the middle of my giant hand mouth like it has a mind of its own, which was very creepy if you ask me.

Y/n: Alright guys, with these red rings that Sunky found, we should be able to travel across the EXE-Verse until we find a better source of transportation.

This could be our ticket to travel around the worlds of the many Sonic.exe FNF mods until we find another source of transportation, so we all packed up whatever we need for our trip like stocking up some fresh water in some bottles, some fresh food, materials to build a fire or to collect wood, a tent and some sleeping bags as I grabbed one of the blood red colored rings from the bag and looked at the instructions that came in from the bag that Sunky found and threw of the red rings that actually created a portal to another world that I somehow recognized from the looks of the totem pole and the environment that is much darker and a bit creepier than Connex's own world that is already as it was before Lord X took over for a bit and I had to kick him out as payback for stealing her world for no reason.

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