Babe, It's Only An Hour

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"Karterrrr," I huffed out as she pulled me back into her warm bed, "We're going to be late for our first day of classes," I said, but Karter only wrapped her arms back around my waist. 

She nuzzled into the crook of my neck, "We still have another two hours, babe," she murmured, clearly still half asleep. 

I let out a deflated sigh, "We still have to get ready and meet everyone for breakfast—and it's almost seven thirty," I pointed out. 

Honestly, that was one thing I loved about college classes—most of them started late unless you chose early classes on purpose. 

Of course, we all chose our classes to start around ten, figuring we'll probably attend parties on a school night and desperately need to recover. 

"We can skip breakfast—besides I have you," Karter said, sliding her hands down to my lower waist. 

I couldn't help but smile bashfully, knowing exactly what she meant, but I knew I had to stay focused—today was a big day. 

"How about you sleep a little longer while I get ready?" I asked, trying to compromise with her. 

Karter only shook her head, "No, I need you here for warmth." 

I sighed, realizing that she wasn't going to listen unless I really threatened her with something, "Fine, I'll just never sleep over on a school night again." 

Karter pulled back from my neck, suddenly wide awake as she stared down at me, "You wouldn't dare." 

I raised a brow, "Try me." 

Karter glanced between my eyes before inevitably letting out a sigh, "Fine, let's start getting ready." 

I smiled happily, "What an excellent idea, babe." 

After kissing Karter goodbye, I headed back to my place to get ready for classes—showering and styling my dark loose curls down while I wore a black halter neck bodysuit with jeans and matching black wedges, deciding to keep my outfit relatively simple. 

Soon, Karter, Davis, and the twins showed up, eager to have breakfast at a nearby cafe that the twins swore by.

We ate our homemade cinnamon rolls and drank our coffee as we chatted before gathering our things and making our way toward our different classes. 

"Babe, it's only an hour," I reminded Karter as we stood outside of the quaint coffee shop. 

Karter only groaned, pulling me into her, "But it feels like forever already." 

She was definitely right—we hadn't actually spent that long apart all summer. The most time we spent apart was maybe once when Cher and I had a movie night for just the two of us. 

Otherwise, I saw Karter all the time—so I knew classes would definitely be an adjustment, especially since I was in general studies and Karter was majoring in biochemistry. 

"It does honestly," I said, agreeing with her, which only caused her to frown further. "But we'll be okay, I'll still see you after class for our thirty-minute break," I assured her, hating the frown prominent on her lips.  

"And we'll get slushies?" Karter asked. 

I smiled, pecking her lips, "And we'll get slushies." 

Karter reciprocated my smile, giving me a kiss as she said, "I love you." 

I hummed, "I love you too." 

With that, we parted ways—with Karter going to her biology class and me going to my English class. 

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