Where Is Karter?

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Soon Halloween circled back around from last year, the once green trees were shades of red, orange, and yellow—while a calming breeze blew throughout Harvard's campus.

We had attended numerous parties through the past few weeks—one of my favorites turned out to be at the lake on labor day for the cookout hosted by one of the frat houses.

Karter and I also managed to celebrate our fake one-year anniversary since we had begun fake dating around this time last year. It was incredible—Nancy and Nina had brought Kloan up, and Karter and I ended up having a picnic in the quad.

Everything had felt settled, and it felt like we were all adjusting to our new lives at university.

"Bro I'm so pumped for tonight," Jalen said, taking a sip of his iced tea.

Since it was Friday, we all decided to go out for lunch after classes finished before getting ready for the Halloween party tonight.

Due to the holiday, there were no games tonight or tomorrow night—simply just back-to-back parties.

Jaden nodded, chewing on his fries, "Facts, I can't wait to go as dark angels."

Jalen narrowed his eyes over at Lakyn, "Even if we have to have a light angel," he said, clearly bothered that Lakyn was joining in on their costume idea.

Davis shook his head, nudging Cher as he said, "Mine and Cher's is better," he said before Lakyn had any time to really catch onto what Jalen had said.

Cher inevitably nodded, "We're going as Tinkerbell and Peter Pan."

Chicago shook her head, "Nah, mine tops everyones. I'm going as Cupid."

Lakyn nodded, "That's definitely creative—just don't go around shooting everyone with love arrows," she joked, which earned a slight chuckle from everyone.

Jaden suddenly looked over to me, "What are you and Karter going as?"

I smiled, "A nurse and doctor."

Cher furrowed her brows, "Where is Karter?"

"Again?" Davis laughed, shaking his head.

He wasn't wrong about it being again—actually, it had been numerous times.

Ever since she had been competing for a spot in the girl's basketball frat, she had barely been present.

Over the course of the last few weeks, she had been helping with parties—and of course attending every single one—running around doing crazy dares, drinking way more at all the parties, and sleeping any chance she got if she didn't have classes.

I couldn't tell you the last time she had been at breakfast or any of the dinners we had.

If she wasn't involved in fraternity-related objectives then she was in class, at soccer practice, or in bed.

Honestly, this entire time I have been trying to be as supportive as possible—knowing that making it into this frat could mean that she has a possible chance at being a starter this season, which meant the world to her.

I knew how much Karter loved playing basketball and sitting on the bench was not going to cut it for her.

So anytime she needed anything—help with homework, someone to sleep next to, a responsible person to help her home after she got shitfaced with the frat basketball players, or even someone to help her recover from all the weird dares—I was there and more than ready to be a shoulder for her to lean on.

"She's helping set up for the party tonight," I said, taking a sip of my water.

Davis nodded a few times, "Oh yeah, I forgot the basketball frat was hosting tonight," he said.

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