Karter's Girl

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"No, I definitely don't believe that," I laughed, shaking my head as I sat across from Chicago in the same spot that we did yesterday in the shared space of the apartment complex.

Chicago nodded a few times, "Oh, believe it—we do it every year."

I laughed through my nose, finding the topic completely amusing, "I bet that is so entertaining—watching celebrities perform talents out of their niche."

Chicago laughed, "It is," she admitted, shaking her head to herself. "And I think it's even more fun for them."

I hummed, smiling to myself, "Your dad's agency really seems great."

"Thanks—I think his carefree and fun rituals are what makes celebrities flock towards him, especially with how uptight all the other agencies can be," Chicago admitted.

I nodded, "No, I could imagine. He's probably a breath of fresh air to them."

Chicago smiled, taking a brief sip from the to-go cup, "You know, a lot of them say that, actually."

I suddenly looked down at the cup in her hand, "I didn't peg you as a coffee person."

Chicago laughed, swallowing slightly, "Because I'm not," she admitted, easily making my brows raise. "This is a honey citrus tea," she said.

I tilted my head, "That sounds... really good. I've only really had chai—it's kind of my go-to."

Chicago shook her head, "Yeah, no, there is a whole tea world you need to explore," she said as I continued to eye her cup, deciding I might just order that kind of tea next time. I guess I never really contemplated ever-changing up my order. I normally like to stick with the same thing. "You're looking at my tea like you want some?" Chicago pointed out, clearly amused by how I was eyeing her cup.

I shook my head, "I was just thinking of ordering that kind of tea next time... normally I like to get my usual order of chai."

Chicago hummed, "Wait, here," she said, looking past me as she slid out of the booth.

I furrowed my brows, attempting to turn around, but with how tall the booths were, I couldn't see anything even if I wanted to.

It didn't really matter though because seconds later, Chicago was sliding back into the booth with a disposable cup.

"They have these for the coffee dispensers—odd that they group tea out, but I'm not pressed," she said, opening her cup and pouring some of her tea into the new one.

I tilted my head slightly, realizing she was giving the new cup to me, "Oh, you don't have to do that."

Chicago shook her head, sliding the cup to me, "It's not a big deal—now you can know if you like it before ordering it."

I smiled, hesitantly taking the cup as Chicago nodded, motioning for me to try it.

I brought the cup to my lips, trying some of the warm tea, which almost immediately made my taste buds water for more.

I blinked a few times, taking in the fresh citrus taste, "Wow, that's—

"Really good?" Chicago cut me short, smiling as she took a sip of her own. "It's been one of my go-to's ever since I discovered it," she said.

I smiled, taking another sip, "I think it might've just become one of mine," I admitted, swallowing the warm tea as I acknowledged how flavorful it was.

"I'll make sure to correct your favorite tea in the paper then," Chicago joked, looking back down at her laptop.

I laughed slightly, "As if you even knew my favorite tea, to begin with," I said, earning a chuckle from her.

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