What Did Karter Do To You?

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"Mm right there?" Karter murmured against my neck as I arched into her completely.

I nodded, letting out quick deep breaths, "Yes—yes, right there," I said, easily making Karter curl her finger right at my g-spot, slipping in another, which easily earned a breathless whimper from me. "Oh my god," I moaned out, digging my nails into Karter's back.

Karter placed warm kisses on my neck, "I got you," she said, easily sending me into a wave of bliss as my body curled into her completely.

A string of low moans left my lips as I felt my orgasm wash over me, forcing my body to tense completely before relaxing under Karter.

Karter hummed, gently sliding her fingers out of me, "See—five minutes on the dot."

I laughed, shaking my head as Karter helped me get my leggings back up, "Don't get cocky now."

Karter pressed a kiss to my lips, "That's like hoping pigs will fly—it's never gonna happen."

"Yeah, I knew better for thinking otherwise," I laughed to myself, brushing down my frizzy hair with my hands as I let a deep breath out—trying to gather myself.

Soon we were back in the living room where everyone seemed to be gathered—the twins and Chicago were on one couch while Cher and Davis sat on the other.

Karter sat down on the couch next to Davis, "What did we miss?" she said, guiding me to sit on her lap.

Jaden laughed, "I'll tell you what we didn't miss—Sloan your face is really red right now. What did Karter do to you?"

Davis scrunched up his nose, "Don't answer that question," he said, earning a nod of agreement from Cher as Jaden and Jalen laughed.

Chicago chuckled, "I really just think you guys like stirring up trouble," she said, looking over to the twins who nodded as they continued laughing at Cher and Davis who refused to even look at Karter and me.

"Oh, they definitely do," Davis said, shaking his head with pursed lips.

The next morning came quicker than we all hoped given that it was Monday and no one was ready to get back to classes.

Luckily, since Chicago and I got some of our assignment done yesterday, today felt a little less dense.

"So you just aren't going to live in the frat house?" Jaden asked, taking the coffee from Karter as he sat beside Lakyn with Jalen and Chicago on the other side of him. Meanwhile, Cher, Davis, and I sat on the other couch adjacent to the four.

The cafe was slightly filled with buzz, but also hushed and quiet in a calming manner—it was nice for a Monday morning, and far from overwhelming.

Karter shrugged as she handed out everyone's drinks, "It's not a requirement to live in the house with them," she said, handing Jalen his espresso shot.

Jalen raised a brow, "I don't know, but the girl's basketball frat is crazy—you sure you down for that?"

"Woah-woah, Karter will be our key to all the parties, so yes, of course, she wants that," Davis said, taking both his and Cher's coffees from Karter.

Jalen narrowed his eyes at Davis, "Wow, thanks for answering that Karter," he mocked, clearly being sarcastic.

Karter laughed, sitting down next to me, "He isn't wrong about the parties though," she pointed out, handing me the to-go cup labeled as chai tea. I felt slightly disappointed, recalling the honey citrus tea that I tried the other day. I forgot to order that instead. Suddenly, Karter tilted her head, "Did they get it wrong?"

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