Chapter 6: What's mine

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"Diego!" Hannah had actually threatened the secetary with her job, that was why she was in.

"She should listen to me not you" Diego remarked.

"But this company is for the family and I have the right to step into this place.."

"This company is entrusted to me and I have the right to decide who comes in or not. I don't owe you anything since you have your own benefits" Diego words came of sharp.

"Is that the reason why you changed your bride yesterday?"

Diego shifted his gaze to the woman behind Hannah. That must be Venessa. She was calm on her seat.

"I have no reason to explain myself woman" Diego said shifting his gaze back to Hannah.

"You got married to the wrong bride. I chose Venessa for a reason. Her family business is going add more resources to ours once we merge.."

"I have enough power and can earn more.." He stepped closer Hannah. "If this marriage is something that'll bring more power then you don't need to worry, unless something else behind it"

Hannah swallowed, she mustn't push this too far or Diego would suspect her.

Seeing she has no reply, Diego walked pass her.

"At least tell me who you got married to?" Hannah spoke again, staring at his back.

"That's none of your business" Diego replied. "Leave, I have a lot on my table"

"He is such a dick" Hannah exclaimed in her car. Venessa stayed quiet not knowing what to say. She recalled how cold and scary Diego was, that was the first time seeing the devil, everyone talks about.

"This wouldn't have happened if you were there!" Hannah yelled at Venessa.

"Don't yell at me. I told you I had an accident. I told Diego's assistant about it"

"But it seems you lied. I know you Venessa"

"Well I'm sorry, but you could have stopped the wedding when you saw it wasn't me. You could have used Old Mavis" Venessa defended.

"That was because I wasn't seeing her face. Whosoever that girl is, I'm going to find her" Hannah muttered.

"You're not alone" Venessa also said, gritting her teeth.

The girl married to Diego is sure lucky but won't be lucky for long.

"I told you she definitely have something up her sleeve" Jemeson said after Hannah had left.

"That still doesn't give you an excuse to bring the wrong bride on purpose" Diego said, staring at the system before him.

"That's because of your nonchalant attitude. How could you have let your aunt prepare a wife for you, when you knew what kind of person she is. When I found Candy, I knew she was lying at first but since the situation was urgent and she seem cool, I decided to bring her instead"

Diego didn't reply.

"How's Candy?"

"I don't know" He replied.

"You're such a cold punk, I wonder what that poor girl is doing" Jameson muttered.

Diego stopped for a moment and looked up.


Candy's eyes flutters open as she groan out from the bed. Her body aches from last night intense activities. He never let her rest for a minute until she passed out..

Wait she passed out?!!

Candy eyes widened with shock. Oh no! Diego had warned her not to pass out and she did. She tried to get down from the bed but felt sour down there.

After dragging herself to the bathroom, she freshened up and donned a cozy dress from the wardrobe, likely prepared by Diego. Heading downstairs, she found the house empty—Diego must have already left for work. Her hungry stomach led her to the fridge, revealing a surprising lack of food but an abundance of drinks.

"Is he a billionaire with an empty fridge?" she mumbled. "Does he ever eat at home?"

Considering her options, she decided to play the role of a dutiful wife, planning to visit the grocery store and whip up a meal before his return.

Glancing at the clock, she realized it was already evening; she must have slept longer than intended.

"Thanks" Candy said to the woman who handed the big bag of groceries over to her. She had manage to get a hold of savings and bought all of this, she got a new phone too.

Getting outside, she stopped a taxi but a hand held her and made her turn.

"Hello Candy"

Candy froze seeing Natalie standing before her with a light smile.

"Step moth.." Before she could finish her word, Natalie slapped her hard across the face.

Her head tilted one side and lips bleed from it.

"Take her into the car" Natalie ordered Kelvin.

In the car, Candy's mouth was tied same with her hands as she sobbed lightly. Her heart was beating fast against her chest the sense of foreboding overcame her.

They were taking her back and she hated it.

She closed her eyes and silently prayed for the only person she thought that could save her.


The car suddenly halt and Candy's eyes flew open.

"The hell?" Kelvin cursed under his breath. Before him was an expensive Ferrari which had roughly appeared before them.

"Check who is that and give them an earful" Natalie said and Kelvin got down.

At the same time the door of the Ferrari opened and a pair of black well polished shoe appeared as a tall built figure slowly step down.

Kelvin was a bit overwhelmed by his aura at first but then composed himself. Natalie who saw the man's face frowned hard. This man doesn't seem ordinary.

Diving his both hands into his pocket, he stepped towards Natalie's car.

"Excuse me, mister. Move your car, you're on the way"

"Not until I get what's mine" He said, with his eyes deviod of emotions. Candy tried to get the glimpse of what's going on but couldn't because she was tied.

Natalie got down from the car and lock the car doors. "What's going on?"

The man gave her a look and without a word, he continue stepping towards the car.

Kelvin took a long stride and stand towards him. "Get your car out of the way, mister"

"I won't say this twice.." The man's piercing gaze met with Kelvin.

"Move" he demanded but Kelvin stood his ground.

"No" Kelvin replied and immediately, the man grab his head and hit it several times on the car window until shattered. Natalie's eyes widened, and Candy flinched inside.

Candy heard Kelvin collapse and saw a hand unlocking the car from inside. She heard light step and then, the door beside her open. Blinking severally, her eyes caught those familiar metallic eyes.


Diego helped her out gently and untie the cloth on her hands and mouth. Candy eyes was teary already, he actually came to save her.

Natalie watched the scene and wonder who that man was..

"What are you doing out here?" He asked but the little woman kept staring at him.

"You came" Her lips stretched into a wide smile.

"You came" She said louder and immediately jumped, wrapping her arms around his neck tight.

Diego froze..

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