Chapter 78: Caught

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"You!!" Venessa marched forward to her but Vincient was fast enough to hold her.

"What do you think you are doing!" Vincient yelled at her.

"Let go off me. Let me kill her. Why did she do that to my father!!!" Venessa yelled not giving up on trying to reach Hannah.

Hannah remain motionless, her face blank as if nothing was happening.

The doctors and nurses rushed in, and a police. They all tried to hold Venessa.

"Don't touch me!" Venessa hit one of the nurse, freeing herself. She finally got to Hannah. Holding her collar she pulled her up.

"Why did you kill my father?!! Why would you do that?!!!!!" She yelled insanely, tears streaming down her face.

The police grab her this time. She couldn't get away this time. Her hands were handcuffed behind and she was taken away screaming.

Vincient eyes widened in shock, his chest heaving. He had almost forgotten about Venessa. The lady thought her wife really killed Henry...

"Wow, Miss Damsel lives here?" Ben lips parted in awe.

Einstein chuckled at his son's excitement.

"Finally here" Diego appeared with a smile.

"Mr Devil!" Ben exclaimed running to hug Diego. Diego froze for a moment, obviously not expecting it.. or maybe he wasn't use to it.

Ben looked up to him when he didn't return the hug.

"You don't want me here?" Ben asked.

"I want you here little fella" Diego ruffled the boy's hair.

"Ben!" Candy exclaimed from a distance. They both tan to hug each other.

"I've missed you Miss, Damsel" Ben stated and Candy laughed lightly.

Einstein and Diego only watch the two in silence.

"Are you sure about this? You have a lot to handle" Einstein asked in concern.

"I have it under control. I just want see her smile" Diego said, staring at Candy's bright face. He recalled when he woke up one night, after their intense moment. He found her secretly checking out children photos...

"Is there a solution for it?" Diego asked and Einstein smiled so hard.

Gosh! If someone happens to tell him a year ago that Diego is going to wish for a child, he would laughed.

"Did I say something funny?" The man's cold question made snapped him back.

"No.. my apologies" Einstein looked back at Candy. "I don't know Diego. We can only pray"

When Einstein left, Diego returned his gaze to Candy.. she was busy listening to Ben's long talk.

"So you have a girlfriend?" Candy chuckled in disbelief.

"Hm, hm.. I'm so handsome"

"Don't you think you're too young? You should face your studies and make your parent proud first before doing that. Things like girlfriends do cause distraction and you'll regret later on" Candy said with a serious but calm face.

"Is that so?" Ben blinked cutely. "Fine I'll ask those girls not to call me their boyfriend anymore. I want to be a lawyer and fight bad guys like Mr. Devil"

"Mr.. what?" Candy looked up to Diego and burst into laughter. Diego found her laughter so beautiful, it was rare.

"Let's go to the garden, I have something to show you"

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