Chapter 26: Doomed

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"It has been the top news since yesterday night. I tried bringing down but it wasn't working" Kelvin said.

Natalie immediately remove the pipes connected to her arm and marched to rush out of the place.

"Ma'am wait!!" Kelvin exclaimed.

Natalie opened the door but her face dropped when she saw numerous reporters waiting for her.

"She's awake!" One of the male reporters exclaimed and others snapped their head towards her direction.

Natalie immediately close the door and locked it.

"Mrs. Natalie a word please!..."

"Open the door!!"

"We need explanation!!"

"Was that you in the video!!"

Natalie sweep her hair backwards as she step back listening to the reporters throwing questions at her.

"I tried to warn you" Kelvin muttered. Natalie grabbed him by the shirt.

"Get me out of here" She utter through her gritted teeth.

Candy walked into a restaurant, her eyes spot a man dressed in a fine suit and walked towards him.

"Good afternoon, did I make you wait long?" She asked.

"Oh, of course not Miss. Jefferson. Please sit" He said adjusting his glasses gently. His over 50 having some grey hairs and moustache around his jawline. He is her father's lawyer.

"I've been trying hard to reach you but Mrs. Natalie said you were out of country and pretty busy to show up. She sometimes mention you are sick"

"I'm here now. Let's get to business" Candy smiled.

The man bought out some files and place them before Candy.

"All you have to do is sign Miss, and it will be all yours"

Candy smirked staring at the paper.

Natalie couldn't get in touch with Vortex. This only made her anxiety grows the more. He was the only suspect..

Who else could have release the video..

What about Candy? What the actual fuck is going on? Most importantly, why was the video edited and revealed short.

Who ever did this was torturing her and it was working.

Her phone rang and she quickly picked it up. She actually lodge into an hotel to hide herself.


"It's Vortex, Natalie" The voice sounded and her face slowly squeeze in anger.

"Before you yell, I'm not the one who release the video and sent someone to hurt you. I would never do that" Vortex said.

"Oh yeah? And you expect me to believe that!!"

"If it was me. I wouldn't be calling you right now. It was an hotel worker that did this just to create hype. She is your antifan who came to attack you that night. I've found her and right now, she is with me. All you have to do is follow what I say Natalie"

"What about Candy?" Natalie asked. Deep inside her, she have a strange feeling.

"She is here, the deed is still going on" Vortex replied.

"I still don't believe you" Natalie gritted her teeth.

"Do you want to get out of this mess or not?"

His question made Natalie realize she had no choice.

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