Chapter 29: Bitch

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Cold metal walls, dim fluorescent lights, and the distant hum of security systems surrounded Natalie as she sat on her place. She was wearing a yellow jumpsuit, her hair a bit messy and her stomach growled in hunger.

A group of women sat around the corner staring at her. This made Natalie far uncomfortable. Especially the dark woman getting a massage from the others. Her stare was cold and dark like she was going to devour her any moment soon.

"Hey, woman!" She called causing Natalie to curse inwardly.

"You're the Mrs. Jefferson I do see on TV right?" the woman asked and Natalie frowned. This black bitch knows her? Shit!

"She is the one of course" One of the woman said to the dark woman.

"Hey!!" The dark woman called louder causing Natalie to flinch a bit. She really don't want to have anything to do with them.

"I'm talking to you bitch!!" She flared up and stood up.

Natalie looked up this time around. She was lost of word, seeing the angry look on her face.

"Are you dumb?" The woman asked.

"I.. I am just tired" Natalie muttered.

"Oh, I should massage your body?" She asked and Natalie shook her head. She stepped closer with a glare. "I heard you killed your husband and tried to eliminate your step daughter too. Is that true?"

Hearing the question, Natalie's heart skipped a beat. She didn't know if she should say the truth or not. After a while of silence, she opened her mouth.

"I.. was.. framed" She answered. The dark woman burst into laughter, same with others. Natalie forced and awkward smile, her face contorted into a confused one. They all stop laughing at once.

"Do you think I'm a fool? How dare you lie to my face when you confessed it to the world that you did it?" The dark woman asked and Natalie swallowed.

She grab Natalie's hair all of a sudden and yanked it backwards earning a painful groan from her.

"Help! Ahh!" She screamed.

"Don't worry bitch. Those guards aren't here yet. You know you were my role model right?" She said and Natalie stopped screaming.

"On our cleaning duty, I risk myself just to take a glimpse of you on TV. I thought you are a woman of dignity and respect.. but I was fucking wrong. Do you wanna know why I'm imprisoned?" She raised a brow.

Natalie chest heave with her heavy breath. She slowly nod her head, tears threatening to come out.

"It's because I killed someone who was trying to hurt my husband. But you on the other hand, killed your own husband who is rich and kind.. you fucking bitch" She yanked her hair harder and Natalie yelped. "I'm going to teach you a lesson you'll never forget"

The dark woman slapped her hard on the face, pushed Natalie on the push and began to kick her hard on every part.

Other women joined not until a military ladt appeared.

"Hey!!! What the hell!!" They all stopped at once and took a death breath. Natalie felt her body ache all over. Blood on her face and lips.

"Hey Natalie, you have a visitor" The military lady announced.

Natalie was led to the visiting room, where a cold metal table stand in between her and an familiar woman on the other side of the reinforced glass. As she took her seat, she wondered who the strange woman was.

"Have we met before?"

On the other side, Hannah lips curved up as she sat comfortably.

"We may have cross path at some business functions so my face is bound to be familiar" Hannah replied.

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