Chapter 73: Gonzalez

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Leading Candy to the back of the hall, Old Mavis took a deep breath staring at the sky, adorned by the bright stars.

"You remind me of someone young lady" Old Mavis spoke.

Candy stayed silence, wanting to know what the man had to say.

"Someone who bought the light in me. I was an orphan, hustling my way to build a foundation. It didn't work well, things only get worse to the extent I tried to end my life.."

He was telling her his story? Candy got curious.

"But an angel stopped me that night and scold me. It was love at first sight. She was rich.. her parent doesn't want me due to my status. I decided to become who they never expected and married to her. The Gonzalez family started from us.."

His face slowly dropped a little as he recall his memories.

"She was beautiful, smart and kind. My empire expanded in a way I never imagine. Everything I built was for her. We had a daughter first but she passed away. It was heartbreaking but we never gave up. We have two lovely sons after then.. She bought them up with love.. things went smoothly for a long time not until..."

He paused and took a deep breath.

"She passed away"

Candy intertwined hands tightened against each other. Old Mavis must had love his wife so much.

"Drown in misery, I buried myself into work.. not noticing the dirt that slowly creep in. My two sons got married and that was how it started. Hatred, dishonesty, competition I noticed too late.."

The old man finally turned to her and asked,

"How do you see the story?"

Candy took a moment to collect her thoughts. She could see the pain etched in his eyes, the weight of his experiences shaping his every word.

"I see a story of love, perseverance, and the resilience of the human spirit," Candy began, her voice gentle yet firm. "Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, you never gave up. You found strength in the love of your wife and the determination to build a better life for your family. Your story is a testament to the power of love and the ability to overcome even the darkest of times."

Old Mavis nodded slowly, his gaze thoughtful as he absorbed her words. There was a flicker of something in his eyes – perhaps gratitude, or maybe a newfound sense of understanding.

"Thank you, young lady," he said softly. "You have a keen insight and a compassionate heart. It's rare to find someone who truly understands."

Candy smiled, feeling a sense of warmth spread through her.

"Now I know the reason why you manage to melt that cold hearted grandson" Old Mavis looked up again. "Seeing him filled with hatred breaks my heart. But I don't blame him.. he has suffered a lot"

"He's just like you. He never give up" Candy said and the man burst into a light laughter.

"Right.. that cold punk can destroy the world for something he cherish, just like me. I never judge any of his action, because I know he did it for a reason" Old Mavis stated. Remembering something he added.

"I owe you an apology my lady," He said, and Candy got confused. "My stupid self had once disrespected you due to your condition."

Condition? Did he find out?

"But no worries my dear" he reached out for her hand and held it. "You're part of the family, you have my words"

Candy's eyes teared up and she smiled beautifully.

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