Chapter 2

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The parking lot is overwhelming, especially as I see more and more students getting out of their own cars heading into school, people buzz about and chatter fills the air, a girl is teasing another about a boy they met over summer, and I catch another tail end of a conversation about someones holiday.

There are so many people here that no-one pays me any attention, I'm lost in the crowd, just another student heading into the main entrance of the school, part of me is grateful for the crowd, I don't stand out, but the mix of furs and humans is still awe inspiring to me.

All the students seem to know exactly where they are going, but beyond the signs pointing me to the main entrance I'm completely lost in the size of the place, I find myself in the reception area fingering a button with says 'call for assistance' on the desk, a mirrored window slides open as I press the button, an aged lady with white hair wearing a headset smiles at me "how can I help?"

"I'm Sam Cooper, its my first day here"

"ah ok, you're on my new starters list" she fumbles with some papers below the window hatch, "here you go, this is a map of the ground floor, you will need to head to b42 which is down this hallway here, take a left then its on your right" her fingers draw a line across the school layout map tracing her directions as she talks.

"your form tutor is Mrs Keller and she will fill you in with all the details from there, we split students into their chosen subject so you can always follow your class for the first few days until you find your feet, okay?"

"thanks" I say taking the handouts, and not long after I have them in my hand the hatch slides closed as she seems to start a phone call on the headset answering someone else's enquiry.

I followed the hallway she indicated, lockers filled each wall on the side, the doors a light blue to match the tie I was wearing, occasionally broken up with a trophy cabinet or a notice board highlighting some of the schools major achievements.

I paused at one filled with trophies and pictures of the high school football team, a mixture of furs and humans on one team and I wonder if they would also accept me on the team if I tried out.

Students whizzed past me as I glanced back at the map, taking the left as indicated and finding my way towards the classroom b42, its door like the lockers is painted a light blue and it was a large window in the top side of it, a small aluminium sign plate with B42 stamped in light blue letters.

I push at the door opening it wide, students sit on the desks some at their chairs, it all seems a lot more relaxed than my last school as I clock the teacher, Mrs Keller I presume sat at her desk writing onto an iPad.

I could feel eyes watching me as some of the chatter now stopped, the groups of students obviously already in their friend groups which knew each other, I approached Mrs Keller's desk unsure where I should sit, afraid I might take up someones space that had been sitting there since freshman year.

Mrs Keller looked up from her iPad and stood up, the moment she did the class fell to silence, "Sam Cooper I presume" she questioned, her voice firm and commanding, she was a fur, a lion I presumed, although the blue blouse she wore along with a black pencil skirt kept most of her patterns hidden and I was unsure weather she was lion or cheetah, perhaps a mix of both.

I had never had a fur teacher before and I didn't even think it was possible, I had just assumed all the teachers would be human like my last school, but if the students were furs then I guess so were the teachers.

"yes" I manage clutching the straps on my bag, I twirled the adjustment straps in my fingers not quite knowing where to put my hands without looking awkward.

High School Fur - A gay furry coming of age storyWhere stories live. Discover now