Chapter 22

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I couldn't sleep, how the fuck could I sleep after that?

I still couldn't stop smiling, Jackson was spooning me from behind, his soft breathing brushing past my cheek but I didn't mind that.

We'd made a mess everywhere and the stifled moans we made while we jacked each other off, damn I was getting hard just thinking about it again.

But it was more that than it was what happened afterwards, afterwards he still wanted to kiss me, he was now spooning me, what the fuck was this?

I hadn't wanted to ask earlier, instead I lay with him, I let him hold me and I didn't want anything to change, so I stayed quiet, and we both fell asleep, at least for a short while.

And then like my mind knew something was strange I'd woken up again, the heat from Jackson emanating into my back, it filled my entire body with warmth.

I never wanted morning to come, but I couldn't stay away from sleep anymore and soon I drifted into a deep sleep.

I woke up before Jackson, it was still way too early, the sun barely lighting up the blind in the skylight which I'd remembered to close last night, Jacksons arm lay across my chest and his leg tucked over my own.

In the light it looked even more surreal than it did last night, how long had he wanted to kiss me?

We'd been drinking though, was that a factor? We wasn't drunk though, no way we were that drunk.

I lay as still as possible but Jackson soon woke up his eyes focusing in on me, I feared the realisation of being laid next to a boy, perhaps remembering what we did last night would send him running, but instead his paw stretched out across my chest and he nuzzled in closer to my neck.

"morning" he whispered and I whispered morning back , I wanted to say 'so that happened then?' or perhaps 'are you gay then?' maybe he was bisexual, fuck why was this so difficult.

This was just a one night thing, this was another Nathan, just a guy trying out something, and now he would run off and not talk to me again, I wasn't sure I could cope with that again, Jackson was my friend before all this, perhaps my best friend.

Instead Jackson kissed my neck which made the majority of my thoughts wash away, his tongue rolled against my skin which made me giggle a little as it was slightly ticklish

"what is this?" I asked after a moments silence, but I couldn't look at him, we hadn't even spoke last night, things just happened and i didn't want to ruin it.

Jackson doesn't answer straight away, his paw continues to gently stroke the bare skin on my chest, and I'm deeply aware we are both naked in bed "are you gay?" I ask

"I don't know" he says finally, "i just wanted to kiss you" he shrugged a little "like I've felt this connection with you, and I wasn't sure what it was, and then when we kissed... you do things to me" he grins with a laugh

"and now you've kissed me?" I turn and face him, "what now?"

"Date me?" he says lifting his head up slightly "Its confusing I know, especially for me, but I like you Sam, and I wasn't sure i could you, know... be with a boy, but last night... i don't want you to be with anyone else"

We kiss again as I roll on my side turning to face him, "you just...." he smiles pressing himself into me and i could feel every inch of him as i pressed my hips back into him, a soft moan escaping from his lips, i wonder if he felt like this when i stayed over at his last, but as I hear footsteps in the hallway outside I roll onto my back and pull the cover up to my neck, a dreaded knock comes on my door and...

"mom wants to know if you two want breakfast"

"yeah were just getting changed" I bark out as I see the handle dropping, Olivia hesitates and then releases the handle, "ok but don't be long otherwise she will burn the pancakes"

I pull on my boxers and get dressed just as Jackson does the same, as I reach for the door handle he pulls me with his arm, "just one more kiss before we go downstairs?" I smile as Jackson presses me up against the door, his thick tongue slips between my lips and puts me right back where I was last night.

Flustered and hot I push him away giggling to myself, "we have to behave" I whisper opening the door and heading down to breakfast.

"you sleep ok?" mom asks Jackson, "that sofa is so old, it cant have been comfortable"

"yeah I slept ok thankyou"

I tried to not laugh, feigning a cough

"help yourself to pancakes" Olivia said offering Jackson the plate, "do you eat pancakes at your house?"

"no not really" Jackson smiled, "we usually have to eat fruit"

"for breakfast!" Olivia pulls a face "you should stay here more often, mom cooks the best pancakes" Oliva twists in her seat pulling two pancakes onto her plate

"we don't have pancakes everyday, even though Olivia wishes we did" I clarified

"yeah so today I'm having one with bacon and syrup and maybe this one just syrup, I can make you a bacon one if you want?" she looks over at Jackson

"I'm ok thanks"

"Olivia come on, lets eat your food please" mom insisted trying to calm her down.

After breakfast, Jackson thanked my mom and dad for letting him stay over, but he said he needed to get back home and face his dad, we said an awkward bye by the front door and I felt like I was hiding a secret again.

Not that my mom and dad would say anything, but it was new and exciting, I couldn't wait to tell them, but not just yet, if they knew Jackson and I were dating he certainly wouldn't be allowed to stay over, or would he?

I wasn't sure, those rules hadn't exactly been made clear, I resisted the temptation to text Jackson immediately the moment he left, instead I helped my mom with the breakfast pots before falling back on my bed pulling a pillow close up to me and breathing in its scent.

I could just smell the feintest piece of Jackson on there and I still couldn't quite believe I had a boy over, stay in my bed!

My phone buzzed with a text after a while, Jacksons name came up on my screen, 'is it crazy if I miss you already, can we have lunch tomorrow at school, I just want to see you again and I cant wait xx'

I held my phone to my chest and beamed with a big smile, 'I miss you too, I cant wait xx' I text back and I didn't hear back from him for a while, but I figured he would be busy with his dad, I hoped everything would be ok for him.

I opened up my contacts and started typing out a message to Ella, but then I deleted it, I realised I couldn't actually tell anyone about last night

Jackson and I hadn't really spoke about that part, but I wasn't going to out him, that would be wrong, that was Jacksons story to tell not mine, and even though I trusted Ella, I couldn't tell her what had happened last night...

Just then my phone lit up as if Ella was reading my thoughts 'hey dork, how did the night with Jackson go?'

'ugh, guy stuff, football, sneaky peak at his abs, you know the usual' I messaged back trying to be my usual self, and I guess that's what Sam would have wrote before kissing Jackson and sleeping in the same bed as him

It was burning me up inside, I needed to tell someone, but the only person I could tell was Jackson.

I distracted myself for a while by practicing some violin, hoping I could take my mind away from it, but I couldn't Jackson was well and truly on my brain.

High School Fur - A gay furry coming of age storyWhere stories live. Discover now