Chapter 30

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I practically skipped to Jacksons car as he pulled up, climbing inside Jacksons paw grabs my hand and he kisses me on the cheek, "sorry im early, I couldn't wait any longer" he says smiling and truth be told id been watching the road for the past twenty minutes for Jackson to arrive anyway.

"me neither" I brush the back of his paw with my finger, I still had these little niggling doubts in the back of my mind wondering if Jackson would still push me away in public, like he didn't know me, even though there was a part of me that was wondering if it was worth it just for the moments like this.

And now there was a small, but growing number of people that knew, perhaps this would be easier, but I didn't want to get my hopes up too much.

"im going to be home alone this weekend, we could have a proper date, you know, we could go somewhere out of town"

"I'd like that" I say feeling myself smile, "and stay over?" Jackso says as his ears flop back a little, Furs didn't blush but I was pretty sure this was his version of that

"Jackson" I gasp sarcastically, "what kind of boy do you think I am?" his eyes widen briefly like he's not sure but then he smiles, "so you're gonna stay over then" I nod as he glances over the only thing running through my mind right now is ripping his clothes off

I contemplate running my hand up his thigh but I think better of it as we get closer to school, we would just have to wait.

As Jackson pulls up into the school parking lot, there are students everywhere, he briefly touches my hand with his paw and smiles, His eyes look around and I can see there are way too many people, but the subtle touch of his paw is enough

"theres a lot of people around" he says quietly, "I want to, but.." he looks down to the footwell, I squeeze his paw letting it go, "it's ok"

"im just scared its not enough, I don't want to lose you..." he trails off his eyes meeting mine "you wont, this is different, I know we cant be fully out, as long as we can have moments like this when no ones looking" I smile trying to re-assure him

Jackson nods as Phil walks past the car, we both get out walking up towards the school, we mingle with some of my tutor and Jacksons but he stays next to me as we walk and I knew we could make this work,

This wasn't like last time where he would avoid me, or pretend he didn't know me just to avoid any speculation, this time he walked beside me, like we were before we kissed, no one would know, we could just be friends like everyone else.

As we headed into the hallway we had to part ways, I needed to head the opposite way to Jackson, our tutors in different parts of the school, turning to face him "ill see you later?"

"at lunch?" he raises an eyebrow inquizitivly as I nod, his eyes linger for a moment before he turns to join Phil, I spin on my heels amongst the flow of students heading towards their tutors when I feel a paw grab my hand spinning me back round.

I see Jacksons face as he pulls me closer his muzzle close and our lips... he kisses me and slides his tongue between my hesitant lips as I realise whats happing and kiss him back.

I hear the rumblings and chatter from students around us, murmers and some gasps of shock, one student calls out "jacksons Gay?" just as we part, Jackson squeezes my hand "see you later... boyfriend" his voice lingers on the word 'boyfriend' and then he disappears into the sea of students heading their own directions

My heart was on fire, I'd never kissed a boy before so public, and my boyfriend too, Jackson had, shit, had he just come out?

I tried to think who was there, Phil, and maybe I knew some of the other voices, but I wasn't sure, instead I now felt myself lost in the flow of people heading on towards my tutor.

I couldn't help but grin as I entered tutor taking my seat next to Ella, my stupid smile earnt me a "what you smiling about smantha" from Eric but I didn't care

The thing with school was rumours and gossip traveled faster than the speed of light, a few whispered voices in tutor, where I heard my name mentioned alongside Jacksons, and then in Chemistry I heard similar talk.

Each time it made me smile but each time a part of me wanted to try and convince them it wasn't true, what about Jackson, what if he wasn't ready for all this, I needed to protect him from all this, I text him saying people were talking about it, but I just got a shrug emoji back saying 'I don't care, I love you xx'

by the time lunch had come around i was eager to get to the lunch hall as quick as possible, i couldn't wait to see Jackson, but equally i felt i needed to somehow get ahead of the gossip and be there before anyone else

i practically ran down the hallway buy my eagerness to get there was halted when I felt a paw on my shoulder, and I knew exactly who it was just by the firmness of his grip and the tall shadow falling on the floor of the surprisingly empty hallway.

Ella had gone to her locker and I told her I would meet her in the lunchroom, how I wished I had stuck with her instead rather than race ahead to see Jackson.

Eric pushes me around to face him, "is it true?" he asks with a raised eyebrow, "is what true?" I protest innocently although im pretty sure I know what he's referring to, "jacksons gay, and you two are..."

I nod expecting the worse, if Jackson could be brave, so could I, Eric looks up and down he hallway, theres no one here, no one can see this, but instead Eric sighs, he shakes his head releasing his grip from my shoulder, his eyes are full of hurt, in fact they're glassy, is he...

"no one cares" he says looking down the hallway, "maybe that means its ok" his voice is a little cracked and he rubs his snout and nose, his watery eyes were now fixed on mine

"im sorry for..." he pauses his eyes looking to the ceiling, "you just came along and your out, your gay and no one cares, but for me... " he stops clearing his throat as Jones comes around the corner, "Careful you will catch the gay like Jackson" he laughs just as I roll my eyes

"you cant fucking catch it Jones" Eric hisses in a low tone and I wonder how Eric knows exactly what im thinking.

"Woah sounds like you already have, maybe those rumours were true about you"

"maybe I don't actualy give a shit what you think" Eric barks back pushing Jones to the floor in a thud "what the fuck dude" he says cupping his elbow after it cracked on the floor.

Eric makes his leave away down the hallway and I don't hesitate to leave either not wanting to be alone with Jones, I turn right at the end towards the lunch hall but Eric continues ahead

There's so many questions I have but Eric doesn't seem to want to hang around either, and it felt wrong to blurt out that I knew about him and Tommy.

Entering the lunch hall was almost like any other Tuesday, except for the fact I could feel eyes watching me, I knew they were walking about me, it was just like the first day at school all over again

I quietly make my way over to our table where everyone is already waiting, Shannon is the first to speak "so how long has this been going on?" she gestures for me to sit down, "I want details" she smiles.

I feel myself blush as my skin goes warm, I wasn't sure I wanted to share any of the details even though now I could talk about it

The table falls silent as Jackson walks in and immediately heads on over to our table, he takes the seat next to me and leans in kissing my cheek, his paw rests on my thigh like its toatally normal as he places his lunch box on the table.

We all look at each other across the table, we all continue talking as normal, nobody makes a big deal about it and I realise they're my friends and Jacksons too, so why would it matter 

High School Fur - A gay furry coming of age storyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu