Chapter 28

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The calls eventually stopped and I left the texts to mount up refusing to read them, of course I had some explaining to do to mom & dad but on the whole they were not to pissed at me, I explained what had happened with the minimal of detail as possible, and she seemed to get over it.

I'd spent the weekend avoiding everyone in my room, my mom and dad did their best to cheer me up, and even my sister bought me a cupcake she'd made to 'make me happy' as she put it on Sunday.

But today I knew I had to face the very thing I had been ignoring all weekend... Jackson.

The morning at school was fairly uneventful, although after what Tommy had said it bought a new light to Eric that I hadn't really seen before, it wasn't my secret to tell though so when he called me Samantha in tutor I brushed it off.

The rest of the morning was ok too, school was a good distraction and I was glad to get out of my room and start to feel something else other than the self pity I seemed to be dwelling in, what I wasn't looking forward to was lunch or sports though, I knew I couldn't avoid Jackson there.

I mean lunch I could get through, but sports I wasn't sure I could do that, and as it turned out I was right about lunch, Jackson wasn't anywhere to be seen, he was probably avoiding me, probably off in some other lunch hall just so he didn't see me.

Just so he didn't have to pretend we were nothing more than friends, but in sports... well that was the thing where was he?

"where's Jackson?" I finally gave in about halfway through the lesson, asking Bryson what was going on

"I have no idea, he phoned me Sunday about some fall out with his dad, but he brushed it off said everything was cool, and like he doesn't turn up today, I've text him and rung him but nothing"

I think back to the texts id not read myself, and the number of times he'd tried to call me, this was all my fault, and I'd been so caught up in my own anger and frustration and selfishness to ignore him when he probably needed someone the most.

"I'm going to go round his after school check on him" Bryson says between pass practice, "can I come?" I say realising the need to see he was ok was stronger than anything else I knew no matter how pissed off i was with him.

"sure ok, I mean he might text back by then anyway, he's probably in bed sick or something" Bryson shrugs his shoulders like he's not concerned, but then he don't know how I left things with Jackson, he doesn't know the things I know.

I make excuses for the bathroom 10 minutes before the lesson ends, I can see coach is pissed but I need to read the messages so plead with him until he relents letting me leave early.

'I miss you Sam please talk to me'

'we can fix this please'

They were all very similar but the texts stopped on Sunday morning, the last one I received was 'Sam I love you more than anything and I wont lose you'

Jackson loves me... and i feel a pang of guilt rise up inside me, "heck" i say aloud wondering why id been so stupid.

I dialled his number knowing if I got caught on the phone it would be taken away from me, but I didn't care I just needed to make sure he was ok, all I got was his voicemail, the phone never even rang as if It were off

I text him instead, asking where he was and if he was ok, maybe he would text Bryson or me back at some point, what could have possibly gone off for him to miss school?

Maybe he was just in bed sick like Bryson said, I could still go and be his friend, but again I would have to be this whole other person while Bryson was there.

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