Chapter Two

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"Pearl, you made it." Seth greeted her as her and Jake reached the beach.

"There are a more than a couple of your mates here." Pearl stated as she saw a bunch of high school kids not from the reserve as well as Sam's whole gang.

"Yeah I guess the word got around and people thought it was an open invitation." Seth shrugged.

"Jacob, I didn't know you would be here." A soft voice called her brother. Pearl turned to where the voice came from and she was met with a skinny girl with dark hair and pale skin. At first glance, she could've sworn it was a Cullen.

"Bella, hey!" Jacob got flustered as she approached him and awkwardly stuck his hands in his pocket while Pearl and Seth shared a knowing look.

"Oh my god, you're Jacob's little sister." Bella pointed at Pearl.

"Actually the name's Pearl, but I guess that works to." Pearl stuck her hand out for Bella to shake. "Bella Swan right? I think you just took our old truck."

"Yep, that's me. Can I actually talk to your brother for a moment." She placed her hand on Jakes shoulder and he tensed up.

"Sure thing. Have fun Jakey." Pearl smirked at her brother before walking to the fire with Seth by her side.

"Look at them, thinking they own the place." Pearl nodded her head towards Sam's gang playing soccer in the sand.

"They're looking at my brother like he's a piece of fresh meat." She scoffed to see Sam's eyes watching Jake carefully as he talked to Bella.

"Don't worry about it. Jake would never do that to you, besides, you'll always have me." Seth assured her by patting her thigh without thinking about it.

"Thanks Seth, that means a lot." Pearl said sincerely. The two teenagers sat in the sand, leaning on the pine logs in front of the fire for ages as her eyes started to get droopy watching the stars.

Subconsciously, she started leaning on Seth's shoulder as she got too tired to hold her own weight. At first he was tense with her, not knowing how to react, but when he saw the relaxed muscles in her face, he decided to wrap his arm around her to add to her comfort making her sigh in content.

"Not a date huh?" Jacob's voice interrupted their comfortable silence.

Pearl rubbed her eyes and moved away from Seth and she could see the slight disappointment in his eyes but she brushed it off as him loosing his personal blanket.

"What do you want Jake?" She irately asked.

"Time to go, its getting pretty late." He motioned to the carpark. "Unless you want to run home through the woods?" He suggested.

"Yeah right, I'd rather not get eaten by wolves." She said standing up and giving Seth a hand to.

"It can't be worse than the lecture we're gonna get. Its ten o'clock, dad wanted us home an hour ago." Jake lightly laughed at the look on his little sister's face.

"You know what, Seth offered me to stay the night at his house actually." Pearl grabbed his hand and squeezing it tightly to tell him to 'just go with it'.

"I did? Oh right, I did." Seth nodded his head a little to aggressively.

"Uh huh. You haven't got any clothes, what're you gonna wear?" Jake crossed his arms and straightened his back, his older brother senses kicking in.

"Leah has clothes she can borrow." Seth improvised for her.

"I don't suppose Leah has a bed she can sleep in too?" He asked tapping his foot impatiently.

Pearl Black || Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now