Chapter Six

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"Psst, Pearl." Was the first thing Pearl heard that morning as she lightly stirred awake.

Her eyes blinked open when she felt someone lightly stroking her hair, and she was met with adoring brown eyes staring back into hers.

Pearl opened her mouth to speak but was stopped with Seth's soft hand lightly clamping her mouth shut.

"Shh." He whispered and pointed to the other side of the room where Jacob still laid motionless. She nodded her head in understanding and slowly sat up.

Seth moved the hand on her mouth to take her hand in his and sneak out of the room, careful not to trip on the rouge pillow on the way out.

"Where are we going?" Pearl asked once they were out on the back porch.

"To my house. Mum said she'd make waffles if I survived going to your house last night." Seth said matter of factly.

"Your mum knew you snuck in my house?" She asked almost impressed.

"Actually she encouraged it. She's kinda obsessed with the whole idea of me and you. I think since Leah's been lonely, she wants at least one of us to have a love life." He explained as they headed through the woods.

"Your lucky. My dad thinks you're going to change me or hurt me or something like that. I know he's getting old but I didn't think the crazy comes 'till a little later." Pearl laughed.

"He'll come through, its just the father-daughter instincts kicking in." Seth assured.

"You know, I feel like I can actually breath when I'm around you." She noted how relaxed she felt around Seth, being able to say whatever she wanted, do what she wanted to do and know that he would never judge her.

"I'm glad you feel that way." He said honestly and took her hand in his as they walked along the dirt track. "I wouldn't be doing my job as your boyfriend if you didn't." He smirked at her.

"Is that what we are?" Pearl wanted to confirm since they never actually established their relationship title, since they were interrupted on the beach.

"Is that what you want us to be?" Seth stopped to ask her sincerely, showing that he was okay with whatever she wanted.

"I want it more than anything in the world." She cheered and jumped into his arms to give him a long and passionate kiss.

Seth had a to take a few steps back from the force of Pearl jumping on him, and tripped over a tree root on the way, making them both go crashing to the ground.

Pearl had a little bit of a softer landing than Seth, falling right on top of him.

"Are you okay?" He asked in a hurry, the fall breaking their kiss. Pearl just buried her face in his chest and started giggling like a little girl.

"You did that on purpose!" He realised and faked a hurt gasp, which just made her laugh even harder, something he loved to see.

"I thought you were stronger than that Sethy." She teased, poking his abs.

"Oh really?" He asked with a hint of mischief, and before Pearl could react, she was lifted off the ground and hauled over his shoulder making her squeal.

"Put me down!" She demanded and started kicking her legs but he just continued walking as if she was nothing.

"Seth Clearwater you put me down right now." Pearl added pounding her fists into his back in attempt to make him drop her.

"Not until you take it back." Seth shrugged.

"Please put me down." She whined, not wanting to cave so quickly.

Pearl Black || Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now