Chapter Thirty One

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As the weeks passed by, Pearl spent most of her time with Seth and school. She had missed a lot over the past year and Sam insisted on all of the pack-junior going to college if it was an option.

To Pearl, Seth, Quil and Embry's misfortunate, that included them.

Pearl and Seth were sitting under the rickety and rusty bleachers on the far side of the oval trying their best to hide from their chemistry teacher.

"Sam's going to beat our asses if he finds out." Seth seemed more nervous about skipping class then Pearl did.

"Oh come on, if he says anything – " Pearl repeated for the hundredth time.

"Deny, deny, deny." He finished her sentence for her.

Pearl jumped up onto one of the metal braces to sit on, it creaked under her weight.

"Are you sure you should be sitting on that thing." Seth asked, still nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"What is up with you Seth?" Pearl sighed, swinging her legs in air to show her unbotheredness of skipping class. "You've been so . . . jumpy for a while."

"Jumpy?" He sounded shocked that she would think that, even though deep down it was the truth.

Seth had been non stop thinking about Pearl's safety ever since he got the feeling that Alice was hiding something from the wolves that she desperately needed to tell Pearl, so much so that Pearl just needed to come to Bella's wedding.

Which was in two days.

"Don't act like you don't know what I mean." Pearl rolled her eyes at his non-existent lying skills.

"You yelled at Jared for pushing me off the cliff the other day, you won't let me go anywhere near the border, and I know you've been stalking me in my sleep."

"All those things are only because I care about you." Seth spoke with some truth.

"A little too much caring if you ask me." She pursed her lips in a pout and looked at the ground.

"Okay, what's up with you?" Seth had been noticing that she had been a little bit 'pouty' lately.

Hence why they were skipping last period.

"Nothing." She shrugged, keeping her eyes on the grass.

"You can tell me, Pearl," He said more gently. "Is it about this weekend." He was talking about the wedding.

"I just thought," Pearl bit her lip as she thought. "I just thought he would be back by now." She just pushed the thought away as being too hopeful.

"I know, we all thought the same." Seth really couldn't believe that Pearl's brother would just up and leave for a whole month without a single word to her sister. Seth would never do that to Leah.

However, Seth was not the only one telling half-truths

And he knew it.

"There's something else." He squinted his eyes at her skeptically.

Pearl finally looked at him and she could tell that there was no secrets she could hide from Seth.

"I hate how you can do that." She grumbled to herself. Being her imprint, Seth was able to feel her emotions and see through her words. He didn't know how, but he just could.

"I know you do." He smiled triumphantly, but turned serious again, wanting a proper answer.

"I want to go to Bella's stupid wedding." Pearl mumbled so quietly that Seth wouldn't have been sure if he heard her right if it wasn't for his enhanced hearing.

Pearl Black || Seth ClearwaterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora