Chapter Thirteen

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(Bold / Italic = Telepathy talking)

"Oh hell no!" Pearl stood under the moonlight, shivering on the edge of a cliff in nothing but her plain black undergarments, peering down at the crashing waves below.

"You don't have to if you don't want to, Pearl." Seth stood next to her, holding her shoulder in case she lost her balance.

"Okay, I don't want to." She immediately decided and started backing away from the edge.

"You want to phase, don't you?" Sam stopped her from backing away any further.

Pearl thought for a second and looked back at the rest of the pack who were watching a little further back, all laughing and making bets with each other. She wanted to be apart of that so badly, even though imprints were always welcomed in, there would always be a barrier between them.

"You can do it Pearl, sixty seconds and I'll jump in right after you." Jacob joined them at the edge.

"I thought you said this thing usually happens when you're sixteen?" She tried to reason without seeming scared.

"If you're emotions get the better of you at a younger age, such as Seth, you can turn early." Sam told her.

Pearl looked back at the boys one more time and she could see them all whispering and trying to hide their laughter. That's when she realised that one of them were missing.


Pearl squealed as she felt herself get lifted off the ground and she heard Seth and Jacob both yelling something at Jared, but it was too late.

Pearl felt her whole stomach drop as she was thrown off the edge of the cliff into the darkness below.

Her body gained rapid speed as her hair started whipping in front of her face. She could only just make out the other's faces peering over the edge as they got smaller and smaller as she went lower and lower.

Pearl felt like she had been falling forever when she felt her body smack into the freezing temperature of the water below. She held her breath and squeezed her eyes shut as the water engulfed her and sank her deeper into the dark depths.

Pearl used all of the strength she had to swim back up to the surface and gasped for air, splashing her arms in and out of the water to keep herself afloat. Although, that wasn't much help when a towering wall of water came crashing down on top of her, pushing her back under.

It seemed much harder for Pearl to get back to the surface this time, that's when the panic started to set in.

When she finally made it back to the surface, she started panting and splashing around for her life, repeating the same word over and over in her head.


Pearl begged and begged herself to just do at least something useful as she got pushed and shoved around by the strong currents and waves.

That's when her eyes widened in horror as a wave, too big to even surf, came hurdling towards her. She clamped her eyes shut again as it crashed on top of her. The wave was so strong that it pushed her back through the water and towards the rocky bottom of the cliff.

The last thing Pearl felt was her heart pounding in her chest as she slowly ran out of oxygen, and her head jolting back into a rock hard surface. Although she wasn't sure which one it was that finished her off, darkening her vision until she was out cold.


The first thing Pearl felt when she gained consciousness was slaty water spilling out of her lungs and through her mouth, making her choke profoundly.

Pearl Black || Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now