Chapter Ten

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When Pearl woke up the next morning, she noticed that Jacob was gone and she was tucked into her own bed, instead of on the couch still.

The first thing she did that morning was pick up her phone and dial Seth's number. However, before she could click the call button, Jacob's voice rang through her mind.

Give him some time to grieve before the funeral.

Pearl sighed and turned the phone off, knowing it was for the best. When she exited her room and went into the main living area of their small home, she was surprised to see that both Jacob and her father were sitting at the kitchen table.

"Pancakes?" Jacob asked, pushing a plate full towards her, but Pearl's attention was brought to a small slip in front of her father.

It was a funeral invitation.

"When is it?" Pearl asked her father who had looked like he hadn't slept much that night.

"Sunday morning." He answered and threw it back down on the table away from him.

It was only Tuesday. Pearl would have to wait five days before she could see Seth again and she doubted he would show his face at school at a time like this.

"I'm not hungry." She decided and pushed the plate back to Jacob, she was sure they wouldn't go to waste.

"Do you want a ride to school then?" Jacob asked, just wanting to be as much help as he could to make up for the way he had treated her lately.

"Its okay, I'll walk. I need time to clear my head." Pearl assured him, knowing he was only trying to help.

"If you're sure." He nodded, knowing she needed some space too.

"Thankyou." She said sincerely and grabbed her bag from the couch, that had been there since the last night, before she started her walk out the door and to school.


The next few days were the same, Jacob being by her side all the time, he even left his little group to come and sit with her at lunch, along with no sign of Seth.

"Come on, I want you to come sit with us today." Jacob said, pulling Pearl from her empty table in the corner of the cafeteria.

"What?" She asked annoyed that her peacefulness was being ruined.

"Wait, hold on a minute." She realised where he was taking her, right towards where the rest of his friends sat.

"Why do I have to talk to them?" Pearl yanked her hand away from him to stop him.

"Well I thought since Sam isn't here, and you don't mix well with him, you could at least get to know the others." He tried to reason with her.

"But why? Besides, I already know Embry and Quil." She said and, as if they heard her, the two boys turned their heads and gave her a little wave urging her to come over.

"Even better." Jacob piped and grabbed her wrist again to complete their journey.

"Hey Pearl." Embry welcomed her and moved along the bench to leave room for her and Jacob to sit.

"Hey guys." She waved awkwardly and tucked her hand under legs, watching her feet swing.

"I'm Jared." A hand made its way across the table and Pearl looked up to see a younger looking boy to the others with a smile the deemed trouble.

"Pearl." She took his hand and shook it.

"Oh I know. You've all I've heard about since Se–" The boy sitting beside him shoved his elbow into Jared's ribs to shut him up.

Pearl Black || Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now