Chapter Twenty Seven

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Pearl and Seth spent the whole day down at the beach with the rest of the pack. Once Pearl had warmed up, they went for a walk through the rock pools and drew pictures in the sand with Claire.

It was a less hectic time then playing rough games with the other boys, but it was exactly what Pearl needed.

"Time goes by so fast." Seth said as he stared down at Pearl. They were sitting back at the fire, Sam and Emily had joined them.

"What do you mean?" Pearl asked, noticing how Seth was in his sleepy-say-what's-on-my-mind mode.

"Its your birthday next week." Seth told her, and if Pearl was being honest, she completely forgot.

"Is it July already?" Pearl asked absent mindedly, feeling just as tired as Seth, although she doubted he had gotten much sleep the night prior.

"End of July, actually." Emily commented from the other side of the fire.

"A lot has happened in the past year, and since you haven't been going to school the time has been passing without you even knowing." Sam explained, holding Emily close in his arms.

"Oh, right." Pearl nodded and leaned back into Seth's warm, bare chest.

"It also means its our one year anniversary." Seth squeezed her tight as he spoke, to emphasise his excitement.

"Dam, I've got to get you a present then." Pearl cursed herself for not remembering.

"Oh no you don't. That my darling, is the man's job." Emily tusked her and pointed to Seth.

"And us wolves like to go all out with our imprints." Sam nodded in agreement.

"I've already got plans." Seth smirked, knowing how delighted Pearl will be on the day.

"I love you, Seth." Pearl mumbled tiredly, about to fall asleep any minute.

"Forever and always." Seth added with a kiss on her forehead. That was all she need for her eyes to droop and fall into a deep sleep.

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Pearl was standing in a kitchen with a white apron tied around her waist and a wooden spoon in hand. She could hear a faint crying in the distance.

"She's hungry Pearl." Seth's voice was once again foggy for some reason, although the crying was loud as day.

"She'll just have to wait." Pearl's mouth moved involuntary, her own voice sounding like it was speaking through glass.

"Mummy!" It was a child's voice that broke through the crying, much clearer than hers and Seth's.

"I know my baby Sarah, just play with your father for a while longer." Her muffled voice sighed and her eyes moved from the food on the stove to Seth sitting at the countertop.

Seth seemed a bit older, his face was more defined and his eyes looked tired yet fulfilled.

He was bouncing a small girl in his arms, she looked about two.

She had chestnut eyes that reminded her of Seth, and small brown hairs tied in piggy tails on either side of her head.

"I think Sarah prefers to be with her mother." Seth's smile was brighter than day as he looked at the young girl.

This time, Pearl spoke with her own thoughts. "Who would that be?" She smiled too, looking at the girl, but Seth's face slowly turned into a frown.

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