Chapter Twenty One

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"Wake up you two." Leah said, waking up her younger brother who had both his arms and legs wrapped around his imprint.

"Go away Leah." Seth mumbled, waving a lazy hand in her direction.

"We have a meeting, Sam's orders." Leah grabbed his blanket from his bed and threw it off both the teenagers.

"Leah!" Seth exclaimed and untangled himself from Pearl to get a lunge at his older sister.

"Get off me you brat!" Leah scoffed and pushed her brother away who had tried to tackle her.

"You two are worse then me and Jacob." Pearl groaned, circling her hands on her aching temples.

"No, its only little Sethy." Leah rubbed her fist on Seth's head who tried to cringe away.

"Come on you two, it seemed important." Leah finally let him go and left the two alone again.

"You don't think its about last night, do you?" Pearl asked nervously.

The last thing she needed was the whole pack thinking she was some scaredy cat who couldn't handle herself.

"How could Sam possibly know?" Seth asked rhetorically, knowing there was no way, and Pearl fell silent, knowing he was right.

"Come on, Leah's waiting for us." Seth said and took her hand to lead her out of his room.

"Be safe!" Sue called as they ran through the kitchen and out the back door to where Leah stood with her arms crossed.

"You two are so slow." Leah rolled her eyes at their hand holding, and the three of them walked into the woods where they separated to phase.

You can't be serious! Paul's angry voice flooded their heads.

What have they ever don't for us! Jared added to the growls.

Its what we were made to do! Jacob growled just as angry.

You get no say in this! Paul bit back.

The three who were most definitely late to the conversation, shared a look before they all agreed it was best to start sprinting.

When they finally had reached the meeting spot, the deserted log cuttings on La Push beach, Sam was standing above everyone while the rest argued and nipped at each others tails.

You're late. Sam growled at the three as they joined the rest on the sand.

What is going on here? Pearl asked and the others seemed to stop the fighting when they realised she had joined.

Nice to know you're alive. Jacob growled, circling her while his golden eyes stared into hers.

I went straight to Seth's house which doesn't break any of Sam's rules. Pearl defended and snapped her jaw so he would back off.

That's enough! Sam yelled and the whole pack fell silent. We need to vote on this.

Vote on what? Seth asked as both him, his sister and Pearl were all late to the meeting.

Jacob wants us to help the leaches. Paul answered for them.

We all phased because of them, we should use what we were made for. Embry moved in front of Paul to block him, but Paul head butted him harshly out of the way.

Enough with the fighting! Sam scolded Paul, who bowed his head in apology.

Who thinks we should help fight the newborns? Sam started the vote.

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