Chapter Twenty Four

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"Ill be with you all night, Pearl, I promise." Seth told Pearl as they walked through the woods.

"Don't leave without saying goodbye." Pearl said shyly, hiding her thoughts.

The two love birds were walking through the woods, as instructed by Edward, to mask the smell of any trace of Bella with their apparently horrible 'wolf' scent.

The battle between the Cullen's and Quileute's and the newborns was supposedly to happen tomorrow, so they were preparing.

Edward, Bella, Seth and Pearl were all to sleep at the top of the mountain the night before, as the two girls would be staying there for the battle, and the two boys wanted to be with their lovers as long as possible.

"I won't need to say goodbye," Seth chuckled. "Ill see you the minute the fight is over."

"Yeah, you'll be saying goodbye to my brown eyes and normal diet." Pearl mumbled but Seth heard it loud and clear.

"Stop saying that Pearl." Seth leaned his head back in frustration.

"What? Its true!" She crossed her arms over her chest and avoided eye contact with him. Pearl didn't want it to be true, but Alice's visions were never wrong.

"I would never let that happen to you." Seth told her, adamant to never let her get hurt again. "You hear me? Never." He tried again as she still wouldn't look at him.

"Listen to me Pearl!" Seth grabbed either side of her face and lifted her gaze to look at him.

He stared into her familiar dark eyes, breathing heavily as he used all of his energy into stopping himself from whisking her away and running to the ends of the Earth to protect her.

"You'll still love me . . . right?" Pearl squeaked, trying to stop herself from letting a tear slip.

"I will never stop loving you, Pearl." Seth couldn't believe she would even ask something like that. "Which also means I will never stop protecting you."

"Thankyou Seth." Pearl leaned into him, rubbing her head against his chest as if she was in her wolf form. "Even if it happens, I'll always stay with you as long as you want me." She soaked up his warmth.

"Then you'll be with me for a very long time." Seth smiled a toothy grin down at her.

"Forever and always?" Pearl remembered their time on the beach.

"Forever and always." Seth repeated firmly.

"You two are cute." A sharp voice interrupted them. It seemed they could never have time alone. To their surprise, it was Edward.

"Did he just speak to us?" Pearl whispered, still in Seth's arms.

"Come on, your brother has already taken Bella up to the site." Edward rolled his eyes and motioned to the nearby mountain before disappearing in a blur.

"We better go," Pearl patted Seth's chest. "I wanna talk to my brother before he runs off." She moved away from him and started jogging off through the trees, preparing to phase.


"You'll be safe, right?" Pearl stood with Jacob on the tallest point of the mountain, overlooking the sunset.

"You scared about me, Pearly?" Jacob mocked, nudging her bare shoulder playfully.

"I'm serious Jake." Pearl wasn't in the mood for jokes. "You get too competitive with the other boys."

"I know, I know." Jacob waved her thoughts away, but when she looked into her eyes, he could tell something was not right.

"You're really worried?" He quirked an eyebrow at his usual playful sister.

Pearl Black || Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now